TSR XXIX: Candor

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Tiredness enveloped me immediately when we were on our way back to the café. I felt the exhaustion after finishing it. But it vanished and it made me smile because as we arrived at the café, a familiar car was parked in front of the building. A man leaning on it and he was in his usual disguise – a cap and a mask. "Hi!" I passed by him trying to smile brightly to hide my physical weariness.

"Hey, sunshine!" He called me giving me a cheek-to-cheek kiss and a hug. "For you," he suddenly handed me a bouquet of sunflowers. They're beautiful.

"What is this for?" I asked him but I'm slowly melting inside

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"What is this for?" I asked him but I'm slowly melting inside. I was tough but this guy just knows how to make me crumble inside.

"Am I not allowed to give my sunshine flower?" He answered me casually. He wasn't ashamed of showing affection in public. He just grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. We went inside the café.

The sun was almost setting the moment we arrived back at the café. It was a success. I left some of the staff in there to wait until it was cut. "Congrats, Chef Vane!" I heard greetings from the other crew of the café for a successful customized wedding cake. They were also shocked when they saw me with a man holding my hand.

Awkwardness. I immediately went to take my things inside my office, change into my casual attire and also said my goodbyes to manager Molly. I hate the attention being given inside. I dragged Joshua outside. "Let's go?" I said.

"Okay," he smiled at me and opened the car door on the passenger's seat. "Don't worry about LJ. He told me to send him home first because he knew you will come home late due to the event," explaining abruptly.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. I was thankful for the concern because it's just way too new to me again.

My phone suddenly rang. I saw the caller ID and it was April unnie.

"Unnie?" I answered but I heard a sweet little voice.

"Mommy, it's Luan. I want you to enjoy your day with uncle Josh since you didn't have a chance to be together during our vacation. I'm with auntie April and uncle Cheol tonight. They're treating me dinner," I was about to answer when he decided to cut me by saying – "Bye mommy! I love you!" and the call ended.

I shook my head and I can't believe I heard that from my son. Did April unnie tell my son to say that?

I'm damn confused, right now.

"Who was that?" I heard the guy beside me asked.

"It was my son," I softly answered without looking at him. I was muddled about how my son was giving me this mature attitude again.

"What did he tell you?" he was curious and I have this bemused face.

I looked at Joshua in amusement. Seriously? "He told me to enjoy the night with you since I didn't have the time to enjoy it during the vacation?" Wait! Did I just say the last sentence? Fvck!

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