TSR XXXII: Seventh heaven

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== Vanessa Elora Avery ==

It's been weeks but my cheeks will still burn when I remember that night. I don't know to even feel. I was not ready when Josh told me he loves me because it was so fast.

"Vanessa Elora Avery..." he paused.

"I love you"

I stayed still looking at his eyes that night. We were just walking again together hand in hand in the village under the moonlight. I was not expecting anything because his aura that time when he came to fetch us, wasn't good. I decided to divert his attention at least to ease his burden but it turns out, the experience gave him more courage to tell me what he felt.

I was stunned by the bravery of telling me he loves me. I stared at his eyes and I saw the truth in them. He was sincere. He was telling me the truth. But I could not respond immediately, it didn't turn him off. Instead, he kissed my forehead and told me not to say anything yet.

Comfort. I felt so much comfort in his arms and just like that, I responded again by hugging him. I didn't felt those uncomfortable butterflies on my stomach but instead, I felt like I was home in his arms. Solace is being with him.

He was still the same person. He sends me to work and Luan to school every now and then. What more can I ask for a man who accepts me and my son, right?

I don't doubt his love and intention for me but the thing why I was afraid of saying it back to him was because of his job. Those what-ifs were running through my head the past days after he confessed to me and it's making me anxious too.

What if they found out he was dating a girl like me?

Will they accept him?

Will they still support him?

With Josh, I know he loves his job and also his groupmates. He wouldn't want to sacrifice his job, I can feel that. I don't think I would be worthy enough to sacrifice something he came for at such a young age. It was his dream.

The problem is that I already experienced him being followed by crazy fans and it was scary for him. I'm fine with it but I can't let them harm my son.

"Vaney!" I was shocked when I saw this beautiful lady peeping into my office.

"Unnie!?" I stood up and immediately went to her to hug her.

"How are you Vaney Elora baby?" she always calls me that just like April unnie who also calls me that. They told me because I am their younger sister.

We released each other from the hug. "I'm alright Yanika unnie. How are you?" I asked her. She gleaming always but her aura being here in Korea changed a lot. She's scarier to look at now.

"I'm always alright," that was a fake smile. She's bothered. "I'm here to just drop you this," she handed me a large paper bag.

"What's this unnie?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"Open it," she looks so excited.

"Use that on the party. The venue and time are in the invitation I just gave you. Don't tell your April unnie because it's going to be an advanced birthday party for her. I know Joshua will ask you to be his date later on so yeah," then she gave me a wink.

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