TSR X: Befriend

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Josh just stared at the lady couldn't compose himself to utter a word. "You do work here?" Josh asked Vane. Now, it became clear to him why Vane was confident in telling him that it is safe in Café Neda because she knows the café well. On the other hand, Vane was a little flustered and she thought it was nice seeing him again. "Yeah. I do," Vane responded to Josh.

"I didn't know. But since when?" Josh asked the lady again. "Six months ago. I'm just a new staff here," they were talking to each other like Josh wasn't with his friends and like Vane wasn't working at all.

"That's good then. At least I know you are in a safe place," Josh answered making the guys looked at their friend who was talking so weirdly with the lady in front of them. One of the guys cleared his throat to at least remind Josh that they exist on the table too.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I think I'm interrupting your meal," Vane felt bad. "I'll go now. Enjoy the food," Vane was about to turn her back when someone stopped her.

"No. Please. Of course, you are not. I should be the one saying that. These are my friends by the way," Josh told the lady and started to wave at her. Josh and Vane weren't that close yet but Vane felt like they were close now although there was still a hint of awkwardness. "Hi!" Vane waved at them.

"Hello! I'm Seungkwan," one of the guys introduced himself. Proximately, Vane thought that the guy was a heartwarming, outgoing and extroverted person. Vane shook his hand when he handed it and he was all smiles even when he was still wearing a mask. Vane could see it in his eyes. He then quickly remove it for Vane to recognize him.

"Hello! Vane. I'm glad to meet you," Vane answered. She appreciated that they spoke to her in English.

"I'm DK," the other guy who looks approachable said to her and he already took off his mask. She shook his hand too.

"Hi! I'm Vane," Vane smiled at her best. Another approachable guy smiled at her but he has an intimidating aura with him. "Annyeong! I'm Hoshi," the guy told Vane but she was right the guy has a double aura of friendly and intimidating one.

"Vane," she never got tired of introducing her name. "I'm glad to meet you Vane. Are you Joshua hyung's girlfriend?" he suddenly asked her and she laughed at such a funny comment.

"You are such a funny guy. No, I am not. Is he single?" Vane suddenly asked them out of her curiosity. "I mean with that look, he probably has girls lurking around him," and then she added.

He has millions, in the guys' minds.

"He is very single," the fourth and last guy whom she doesn't know spoke. He looks foreign to Vane and that's because he was mixed race. "It's Vernon," he told and also handed his hand to her. "It's very nice to meet you Vane," Vane was shocked because he wasn't looking friendly but he befriended her. Vernon looks very introverted to Vane.

"It's nice to meet you too, Vernon," Vane smiled brightly as much as she can. "You should enjoy your food guys. They already need me in the kitchen," Vane told them and immediately vowed before exiting.

The guys trailed Vane's way to the kitchen then looked at their Joshua hyung after. "Yah hyung! What's the meaning of that?" Seungkwan was very intrigued by how they met each other.

"How did you met her hyung?"

"Seriously hyung? You met a badass woman?"

"Does that mean you did move on with Yanika noona already?"

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