TSR XL: Sea of Clouds

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After that week full of unnecessary emotions, I went back to work even when they didn't allow me to. They asked me to rest and take a break but I have so many bookings that I have to finish myself. I drowned myself in work and didn't make time to entertain the issues and the stalker. I live myself because I know Joshua assured me that he loves me. My unnies took a vow to protect me – I was scared but I also need to trust them.

My identity didn't come out and I was relieved by that. Atty. Alexandrya, their company lawyer, made sure that I have privacy. Joshua and the company remained silent about the current photos that recently came out. We still haven't talked to each other but I also include him in my prayers especially his safety.

The bugging continued but I didn't care anymore. I work hard for my Luan's future and also my future. I was in the kitchen when I got a call from the manager, "Yes unnie?" I asked her immediately but she leads me to her office.

"Will you really be okay, Vane?" she asked me full of concern. "You look restless," she commented which I just smiled and nodded. "Anyway, you have packages here," my heart made a thud when she mentioned the package. She saw me trembling in fear. "We received it last week when you were on your break," she mentioned. I took it all because I have a bad feeling about it.

I double-checked if they were all mine when I saw one that wasn't under my name but actually was unnie's. I handed it to her, "Oh, I didn't see that." She immediately ripped off that envelope and read the letter. Molly unnie's face was shocked. She looks terrified.

"Unnie, gwaenchana? Are you okay?" I immediately asked her. I walked towards her then she smiled awkwardly.

"Y-yep," she replied but it didn't convince me. I get closer but she hid the letter.

"Unnie, let me," I insisted. She refused to give it to me but our eyes made a contest. She lost in the end so she had no choice but to give it to me.

I began reading it. "Vane," she called me.

"Unnie, don't tell it to anyone," I pleaded.

"Vane, you have to report this," she's frightened, I know that.

"Unnie, please," I have no choice but to tell her what I have been experiencing the past weeks. I told her everything but I also pleaded not to tell anyone. I don't want her to get involved but she received a letter now. It was a letter exposing me to my manager asking to fire me, it means she doesn't know that everybody in this café knows about our relationship.

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