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Loud music, alcoholic smell on everywhere, people dancing and bumping into each other. And there's a lady who looks like a mess inside the club walking towards the crowd. She can feel her bare arms touching stranger's sweaty arms from dancing.

She's wasted because she wants to get wasted.

"Fuck! It hurts like hell!" she told herself before swimming towards the pool of people in the center of the club.

She was hit multiple times already different types of man but she rejected all of them. "This bunch of pillock. Dimwit!" she hissed and continued to walk away from them. After getting a little sober from dancing in the crowd, she went to the bar and rest but still get another drink from the bartender.

"Hey," she told the guy next to her and smirked at him. They talk for a bit about their sentiment in life when she suddenly commented. "You look handsome but your too soft for my taste," she thought but the lady didn't know that she has spoken it out loud. Befuddled but the man's eyes captured her attention. She was silently drawn into it.

The guy beside her sneered at the lady. Her eyes were already half-closed and her head was just supported by her hand which she leaned on the bar table.

"Too soft?" she heard him say. The lady just nodded her head with her squinty eyes and then leaned her face towards the guy more to test if her gut was right. To her horror, her bait was taken and it turned into a real hot kiss. After that, she was taken to she doesn't know where.

She was mistaken. The guy wasn't gentle at kissing her at all. He was ravishing her. She can feel herself getting hot in the situation she's in. she wanted to pull away but something inside her is saying don't. She's was a mess and her life was so lonely. She felt so alone and unloved.

She's lost everything. Her parents and her boyfriend – her first love who left her for her best friend. She wanted love and she felt loved at that moment. The guy was just a little gentle with her but most of the time he was wicked.

Giving the guy liberty to do whatever he wanted to do with her. She let herself let loose to a guy whom he just met. She was reserving everything for that jerk but it turns out she will just be left out so she thought it would be better to let it be taken by someone whom she doesn't even know.

"Holy! You are..." the guy told.

But the lady kissed him to stop him from talking which the guy understood. Both were drunk and intoxicated.

She doesn't know how it felt because she just surrendered her V-card to the guy whom she doesn't know but she felt like heaven when she reached the zenith.

"Fuck! That dream again," Vea woke up from the weirdest dream.

She doesn't want to remember what happened four years ago but it was always lingering in her dreams. Skedaddling was the only thing she could remember that day and didn't even remember what exactly happened and who the guy was. She was terrified when she woke up and there's a guy beside her lying on his stomach sleeping, the head was on the opposite side of the bed.

Vea woke up and did her routine then she headed to work. She had moved on from her parent's death and she moved on from her boyfriend's disloyalty. She had developed trauma with guys that's why she has never had a boyfriend after that. Her life was so hard after her parent's death and until now. She's struggling to survive alone.

"Good morning, Vea. Are you going to work now?" the lady in a car asked the lady who was walking on the street.

"Yes, I am doc. Good morning too," Vea greeted politely at the lady.

Yes, the doc is here. I hope she offers me a ride. I hope she offers me a ride, she silently praying.

"Come on. Hop in and I'll drop you off," the lady offered Vea which she gladly took because if she will go to the bus stop right now, she will be late besides it's a free ride so she can save money.

"Thanks so much, doc," she told her.

Bitch, I needed to survive life. It has been really hard for me when I lost my parents when I was in third-year college in my culinary school. I was so dependent on them they gave me everything and provided anything I needed. They supported me when all my life but when I lost them during the car accident, I lost everything. Life has been so hard for me. I am struggling to survive that's why I have to save money. I have to pass these challenges given to me by life. I have to. I will ~ Vanessa Elora Avery Samson

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