TSR XVI: Crown

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I'm having anxiety attacks but writing diverts my attention so here is an update. 


Josh was instantly ambushed by what Vane just vocalized. "I wasn't even thinking of anyone when I sang that," he honestly told her. Vane's presence became a natural eraser for Josh. He was not even thinking of her at the moment. He was preoccupied with his work and with worrying about Vane. He was glad he met her.

"정말로? Are you for real with that?" Vane wanted to be certain of what he just told but the lady had trust issues. She didn't take it easy. She just smiled and nodded agreeing with him. "But any way you are good," Vane praised the guy. He was embarrassed but he hid it well. He was very comfortable being with the lady.

Vane was wearing a dress today. Because she took off her blazer, her tattoos were exposed. "When did you get your inks?" he curiously asked her.

"I got all of them randomly. Not at once," she comfortably answered her.

"I bet they have meanings," Joshua guessing it.

Vane was not ashamed of having tints on her body because for her it was an art. She then told him, "Yeah. They have." She was looking at the tattoo on her right arm. "This was my most recent one and this is very special to me," she didn't tell him why. "These two on the back of each of my arms, I got them consecutively," she told him.

"Why a butterfly?" Joshua was curious about them.

"You will figure out my name when you see my inks," she smiled at him. Joshua was still puzzled about it. So, he decided to google the meaning of the lady's name. He was amazed.

"Vanessa originally came from the Greek goddess Phanessa who bore a fascination for butterflies," Vane nodded with what he just read. "That's why you have that beautiful butterfly in your arms. But are you fond of them?" he was so curious about it and Vane slowly allowed him to break a little barrier of the lady.

"It contains a lot of meaning but you aren't wrong with that," she informed him. "My mom is the one that is fond of them because they are beautiful. When she was still alive, she told them to live just like the life cycle of a butterfly. Crawl like a caterpillar then transforms into a beautiful butterfly. I miss her," Vane shared with her friend. "Also, Vanessa in Latin can mean Venus, the god of love. That's the reason why I have in here the symbol of love," Joshua was allowing Vane to explain herself with the inks that she got.

Then Joshua decided to fully research the meaning of Vane's full name. "Elora means the sun rays. Is that why you have the sun in your arm?" he asked again.

== Vanessa Elora Avery Samson ==

This guy is curious about my tattoos now. I wasn't usually asked about the meaning of my tattoos but he was the first to ask me about it. "Yeah. I'm my parent's sunshine," I smiled while telling him.

He was staring at me but those stares were unflattering but a comforting one. I don't get butterflies when he looks at me like that. I feel safe instead. "I bet the moon is what you feel right now. You don't look as bright as the sun now," Joshua just directly told me that.

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