The Diary Entries | 🟠

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Let's get into this shall we?

Takes place: During the Rainbow Quest series, no specific part as it changes throughout the chapter.

TW? // Potential derealization, however it is subtle and shouldn't be too noticable, Mention of character death.

My own AU, which means it exceeds the boundaries the canon Rainbow Quest world, which is to be expected throughout this entire book.


- Date marked as February 13th, 20--

In the known universe, there has always been a set amount of things.

Some of those things have learnt how to combine into other things to make new things, which has lead to the creation of the universe as well know it.

However, having said that, there is still so much to discover. There could be other life forms outside of our own species' and with that comes life forms within our species that just have not been discovered.

According to what the professor's believe, there used to be four super beings who ruled the universe.

One of them was a Steve, who was said to have created all the rest of the Steve's and given life to the planet they inhabit. Their power had pushed boundaries further than any other Steve's powers could.

The second one was the Steve's first creation, however it's stated that this creation was more of curse to the world than a blessing. It's said to have ruled over those who thought they had their life too perfect and inflicted a curse upon them to keep them from being perfect. No one was allowed to be perfect in the creation's ideal world, only the Steve was.

The third one was also a Steve, who was said to have created the universe; the stars, planets, galaxies, sun, everything outside of our world. This Steve is rumored to also being inactive as of recently, it's seemed to have taken less intrest in it's creation job and has almost gone into hiding; whilest the creation and other Steve seem to still be very active, just secretly and out of sight of normal Steve eyes.

And the fourth and final super is rumoured to be living amongst the Steve's, said to be an undercover spy of some sorts. However it is also said that the fourth super being has no memory of being one of the super beings and wishes to just live their life. They are what is rumored to be the connecting piece; a key of some sorts to protect the Steve's from destruction.

Now of course, there's been documented instincts of a possible fifth and six super being, however none of the information provided so far has shown to connect them to being a super being.

Though, once our technology advances, we may find out more.

- Date marked as March 30th, 20--

Some Steve's have stated that they think they've met the fourth super being. They claim their name is "FavreMySabre" and they claim to have come out a portal in the back of one of the past elite Red Steve's house.

While this "FavreMySabre" character is still unknown, an Orange Steve has taken the job to study them and learn about their capabilities before we take any further action with interacting with "FavreMySabre".

On another note, the first and second super beings have become inactive, with the second super beings last thought of location being a small village to the east and the first one being the creation of this thing called "aquatic life" that me and the team are still figuring out and learning about.

Other than that, no new updates.

- Date marked as Classified.

There was an attack on the lab the other day. Most of my time got out however we lost a lot of valuable research and experiments that if exposed to other Steve's could lead to universal wise destruction.

However! We did learn about a new Steve, known now as "Galaxy Steve". They were documented by our Orange Steve spy, who has now become the third Rainbow Steve to ever been created.

Our spy has stated the "Galaxy Steve" possessed powers far beyond what any Steve he had ever seen could do, able to take on darkness like it was nothing if he actually tried. It was also stated that the Steve seemed to have the power to travel through dimensions and universes freely, much like an Indigo Steve but on a higher scale.

When asking if we were able to study this "Galaxy Steve" more, our spy stated that they seemed to have been destroyed a few days before by someone who resembled a Steve but was wearing full black.

Our spy also said that upon destruction, two other Steve's appeared from "Galaxy Steve", one having resemblance to a clock and the other seeming to have all of the elements surrounding them.

We will update this more as more information is provided.

- Date marked as December 28th, 20--

To anyone who may find this journal at any given time, please. You need to locate FavreMySabre and inform them of who they truly are.

We figured it out, he's-

"Huh." ...
"That's weird."

The Red Leader closes the journal he found and had been reading out to his close friends Professor Red and Time Steve.

"Very weird. Almost as if those researchers knew of Sabre's capabilities before any of us knew. Well besides me of course."

Professor Red gives Time Steve a sort of death glare before sighing and shaking his head.

"Well, at least we have this piece of information now. Leader, who did you say the book was written by again?"

The Red Leader turns the journal over to the backside where etched into the leather casing read faintly 'The Artsy Orange Steve's of the Orange Kingdom'.


Thoughts on this-? I haven't written anything in awhile and it feels kind of nice to get back into writing stories, always interested me greatly.

Anyways, I have things to edit now, so I'll see you all in the next chapter, hopefully.

- This was ThePurpleOne87

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