It's my fault | 🟦💜

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TWs before we even start: Mention of character death, heavy blaming of self, just quite a bit of angst

Takes place: Steve Saga Origins' Spirit World

Implied Bluebow (SSO Rainbow Steve x SSO Blue Steve) however both also suck at reading each other's emotions

Other than that, enjoy


This, everything that has happened here, it was my fault.

It's not your fault.

Everything- Everyone- It's all gone and so are they.

Don't blame yourself, please.

First I decided to rope in Steve's to help me in my adventures, not knowing that they would be put into serious danger because of me.

They willingly helped you.

Then I tried getting into things that weren't my business- Blue Steve.. I shouldn't of asked him to come back when I found him in that village.

It's alright though-

If I hadn't asked him to come back. He- He wouldn't of been hurt like that, we could've done something against Nightmare Steve and then easily destroyed Dark Steve- everything could've been fine.

It wouldn't of matter, you would've been hurt instead.

That would've been fine- I would've rathered that over losing Blue Steve.

But then that wouldn't make any sense, the world would've fell because it no longer had the Rainbow hero to prot-



I didn't- I didn't want this pressure, okay? I just wanted- I don't know what I wanted! I feel selfish because all I wanted was my friends and not to save the world from these evil beings. I just- I just wanted people to be happy, but I didn't want to take the role of the person to make everyone happy..

.. Rainbow-

And I'm sorry! Okay!? I'm sorry I couldn't save the Steve's when it was my responsibility to do so, and I'm sorry-


I just wanted to keep you all safe- I didn't mean for all of this to happen-


I'm sorry, I'm sorry-



Rainbow Steve jolted awake, his long time companion Blue Steve on his left, holding on his left arm, tears visible in his sky blue eyes.

The rainbow coloured Steve put his right hand up to his face, feeling how underneath his eyes was wet from presumingly crying, then looking over at Blue Steve for a second time.

Blue Steve moved to sitting on Rainbow Steve's lap, wrapping both his arms around his chest and laying his forehead against his rainbow friend's shoulder sleeve.

"Please- It's not your fault," Blue Steve started, however wasn't able to continue his statement as his voice broke.

Rainbow Steve stayed silent, trying to remember why Blue Steve could be crying and why he himself was crying, however didn't think on it for too long as Blue Steve broke down in a sob against Rainbow Steve, breaking his heart as Rainbow Steve didn't remember the last time he had seen his best friend in such a state.

Rainbow Steve immediately wrapped his arms around Blue Steve, holding him close. One of his hands eventually found it's way up to his cyan hair, gently running his fingers through it as that always seemed to calm Blue Steve down and help him sleep.

Rainbow Steve would know. He's the one who helped Blue Steve get a slightly better sleep schedule and even before then helped him calm down after dealing with whatever evil was thrown at them.

They stayed like this for a while, Blue Steve clutching onto Rainbow Steve with Rainbow Steve holding him, playing with his hair softly in means to calm him down.

Eventually, Blue Steve lifted his head up from Rainbow Steve's shoulder, sniffling softly and placing his forehead against Rainbow Steve's.

This simple action formed a soft blush across Rainbow Steve's face, along with making him heat up a bit however he didn't mind, smiling slightly in Blue Steve's direction, who smiled back softly.

"It's not your fault, Rainbow Steve." Blue Steve whispered softly, removing one of his arms from around Rainbow Steve's chest and placing his hand on his cheek.

Rainbow Steve's smile flatens a bit before he sighs, shaking his head 'no' slowly. Blue Steve glares at him, causing the rainbow coloured Steve to laugh softly.

He never took Blue Steve's glares seriously, they always amused him for whatever reason even if he knew he shouldn't be laughing at them.

Blue Steve sighs heavily, hugging Rainbow Steve with both his arms again and laying against him. Rainbow Steve lays back down against the bed, rolling over onto his side, allowing Blue Steve to cuddle against him.

Rainbow Steve smiled to himself, laying his head against Blue Steve's and quietly humming the tune to Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift, something that they had always sung to each other when things were at a really low point, however it was now used as a comfort song.

Eventually, both had fallen asleep in each others arms, forever protected by the safety of the Spirit World and no longer having to worry about being destroyed or protecting others.

They were being protected now, by the world, by their friends, and by each other.

Rainbow Steve never had to fear about losing his best friend anymore, because now, he couldn't lose him.

Blue Steve, on the other hand, no longer had to fear leaving Rainbow Steve, there was nothing that could seprate the two in this world. Any villian that managed to get into the Spirit world had changed their ways and it was all okay.

And all of the other members of their group could stand outside of Rainbow Steve's room's door, laughing amongst themselves quietly and still waiting for the day the two lovebirds on the other side of the door would finally confess to each other.

It had been three years of those two being cuddly with each other. So either they both sucked at reading emotions between the two of them, or everyone else in the house sucked at reading emotions.

And by everyone else in the house, that included Professor Red, who left actually quite frequently to return to his family, Purple Steve, Yellow Steve, Hypno Steve, the Green Steve from the village, the other Green Steve that saved Rainbow Steve, and Blue Steve's older brother and mentor, Elder Blue Steve.

Which was a lot more people to be wrong with reading emotions. If we're being honest here.




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