"Please..help..me.." | 🟠

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TWs; Kidnapping, a certain rainbow character being incredibly hurt, manipulation at it's finest (maybe), Void Steve /hj

Takes place right after Rainbow Steve tried separating himself from the crystals and Time Steve had to freeze his time state.

No ships, I promise.

Other than that, enjoy!


Rainbow Steve held onto his left arm, slowly dragging himself in an unknown direction.

He wasn't exactly sure of how far away he was at this point, he just knew he had to get away from the Rainbow Hub, and fast.

The previously completely rainbow coloured being managed to summon enough energy to teleport away from Sabre and Time Steve after they dragged him away from his previous house.

He just needed to get away from everything right now, there was too much pressure on him and he couldn't handle it anymore.

In front of him, Rainbow Steve noticed a giant structure that seemed to have lava flowing out of it.

Unsure of what the structure could hold, he walked towards it, just hopping someone was inside and would hear him out, though it was hard to tell what was happening in front of him.

His vision was completely blurred, or at least, it was in one eye, so it was hard to see in general.

Upon reaching the structure in front of him, the crystal energy still within him seemed to shudder, if that was even possible, but it created an uneasy feeling within the Steve.

However, he continued to approach what he assumed the entrance would be and the uneasy feeling never went away, if anything, it grew stronger.

The hero removed his hand from gripping his left arm, raising it to knock on the door, or what he assumed was the door, but as he went to do that, his balance slipped up and he fell backwards, causing him to groan in pain.

His state was already halfway destroyed, so any slip up made him weaker and hurt more than it should've.

This was supposedly heard by whoever was on the other side of the door because the hero could vaguely make out the outline of the door swinging outwards, which he barely avoided.

He couldn't make out who was on the other side of the door, his vision blurring even further as he tried to focus on whoever was in front of him.

Rainbow Steve could vaguely hear someone talking, or maybe more than one person talking? It was hard to tell anymore, the crystals seemingly also always having a voice of their own so it confused him whenever someone outside of them talked.

The next thing he knew, he felt someone picking him up, which triggered a sudden fight or flight response within the hero as he tried thrashing in whoever was holding his grasp.

This proved to be severely ineffective however, as the hero was weak and whoever was holding him could very easily just avoid anything he tried to throw at them.

So, after a moment of struggling, Rainbow Steve calmed down, his entire body aching as if he was just in a huge fight with someone, which he hadn't been, he was just still weak and his body was sensitive.

There was more distant talking between what the hero could assume was more than one person now, before he felt himself being carried into whatever base it was he stumbled upon.

The crystals were very unhappy with the situation, they seemed to know more about what was going on then Rainbow Steve himself did.

The next thing Rainbow Steve remembered was waking up in a chair, feeling rather cold, but it was a comforting cold.

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