"Why do you have a darkness infection?" | 🟠💚

572 14 3

Don't question where I'm getting this motivation from

TWs (not really) - Brief mentioned character deaths

Takes place outside of time itself, in the Rainbow Quest: Aftermath universe

No ships

Hypno Steve goes by They/It

Seer / Void Steve is mentioned to go by They/Them

that's all



"Hey Hypno?"

Sabre and Hypno Steve sat in a world between worlds, a place where time did not move but still progressed outside the bubble.

"Yes moron?"

Hypno Steve flipped a card over, revealing it to be a 7 red spades, and placing it on top of a 6 black hearts card, almost having completed their game of solitaire.

"I've always wondered, since you were created form Ruby, why do you have a darkness infection on your face and running up your left hand?"

Sabre was sitting back to back with the Steve, shuffling a deck of UNO cards.

Hypno Steve paused their movements, looking back at Sabre before looking back at their cards.

"It's a long story."

Sabre hummed softly in acknowledgement, continuing to shuffle the deck of cards.

"Well go on, we have time, that is, if you want to."

Hypno Steve stayed quiet for a few moments before sighing.

"You're aware of how long I've been alive, right Sabre?"

Sabre shrugged, even if the other couldn't see it.

"I know you've been alive for a long time, according to what M and Professor Red have told me."

Hypno Steve cleared their throat for a moment, looking down at their left hand and the darkness infection that dug into their skin.

"Well, I've been alive since before the First Hero, Void Steve, even became the First Hero, if that is any insight. I was actually 17 when they became the First Hero."

Sabre looked over at Hypno Steve, finally turning around to look at them fully.

"As you know, the First Hero fell to the darkness, and it was rumoured that they were the Steve who created the darkness, however, that isn't true."

Sabre blinked in confusion, tilting his head to the side.

"If Void- the First Hero, didn't create the darkness, then who did?"

Hypno Steve looked down at their cards for a moment or so before turning around fully to look at Sabre finally.

"There was another Steve, a creation of the First Curse, named Dread Steve."

Sabre nodded slowly, placing his hands on his lap.

"Their main purpose was to take a Steve's worse fear and enhance it, by a lot. And the First Hero's main fear, well, their name was Seer, was their future, they didn't know what it held for them."

Sabre looked up at Hypno Steve, meeting their gaze halfway.

"So Seer was shown what their future would be like as Void Steve? But worse?"

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