The Fight. (SM AU Finale) | ⭐🟠💚

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Welcome to the finale of the Stolen Memories AU, a series of chapters written by myself and TrulyJustMiraculous.

This series has finally come to a close dkshoxgshdkshs.

Either way, takes place in many different places, just know it mainly takes place after Vee's most recent SM chapter 'Rebelling'.

Character Death
Implied toxic relationship

I don't know how to write fight scenes chat 🕴️.

But either way, I hope you enjoy!


After walking for what felt like forever, Hypno Steve finally arrived at the portal that should take it to where they could assume was the location of 'Evie's' containment cell, or possible grave.

The Steve didn't dwell on the possibility that what remained of their best friend, low-key but also high-key crush, was just a grave that this universe's Seer had in their basement.

Hypno Steve took a breath, clutching their right fist where the darkness had not spread to completely just yet, and feeling a pang on betrayal run through them, like something had just occured that would further betray their trust.

However, they ignored, taking one more deep breath before stepping into the portal, allowing the lightning to strike down on them and transport them into the timeline.

Now, after entering the dimension in some weird desert mesa looking place, the next step was to find this Evie's energy signature, which Hypno Steve didn't believe was possible as she probably didn't retain her powers, or so they thought.

Instead of trying to find an energy signature they had no idea about, in means of if it existed or not, they attempted to lock onto Seer's energy signature, as it was a rather strong one.

A few minutes passed before a faint blue light shone from the Steve's right hand, drawing them in the direction of where the Blue Steve, or assumed to be Blue Steve, was located at, and so they followed it.

Hypno Steve has gotten used to the walking by now, having walked across a multitude of timelines in search of Vee, however not having flown in any of them as to preserve as much energy as possible, ignoring the constant timeline hopping draining their energy.

The Steve looked down at their right hand, noticing the blue light slowly getting brighter the stronger the pull got, meaning Hypno Steve was getting closer to the location of the Steve they were hunting for.

It wasn't sure if they were ready for a fight, if they were being honest. Even with having been Hypno Steve for so long, not once have they ever truly engaged in a battle where they were on even playing fields, not once has there been a single occurrence where Hypno Steve feared for their own or someone else's safety when it came down to a fight.

But now, almost at the destination of where they hopped was Evie, they feared the safety of her and themself so much more, knowing that if either were to be destroyed, especially on a timeline outside of their own, that would it, they would be lost in the memory of those who knew them.

Hypno Steve shook their head, further suppressing that thought of it being a possibility, continuing to walk towards the location the energy signature was taking them, just mentally preparing for whatever they had to face, or trying to, because there was no way they would be mentally prepared for what was to come.

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