In my own mind | 🟦💚

285 6 1

TWs ; Arguing

Takes place in early Origin Steve era, in the Steve Saga, when Sabre told Galaxy Steve to leave him alone or whatever.

No ships

Void Steve uses They/Them, they do appear in this chapter.

Other than that, enjoy!


"Because I care about you, okay!?"

Galaxy Steve felt the salty liquid starting to form in his eyes, his breathing getting a slight bit more rapid as he took a step towards the other.

Sabre sniffled softly, gripping at the sleeve covering his left arm with his right hand, feeling tears weld up in his own eyes, covered from the world.

"I don't want you to care about me! Please just leave..!"

The player choked on their sentence, trying to keep themself from breaking down into a sob, looking off to the side at the ground.

Galaxy Steve felt tears begin to fall down his cheeks, letting a soft cry as he brought his hands up, trying to dry his eyes with his palms.

"I won't leave you Sabre! I don't care what this other Steve says, alright!? I'm not losing you again!"

This is all started because Sabre had finally broke after the Overseer left, leaving Sabre to confess what the polished Steve figure had told him; his warning.

Galaxy Steve, being well, Galaxy Steve, refused to leave, not again, not after the black hole incident, not after he was absorbed by Void Steve, and especially not after Sabre's own death and soon revival.

Each event that occured that ended with either of the two entites hurt left Galaxy Steve feeling like a failure, which he was in his own eyes, and hearing that Sabre was just going to give up their friendship like that because some guy told him to made these feelings grow stronger.

"Just because this random Steve guy gave you some petty threat means you're going to throw everything we worked for away Sabre!? Is that all it takes for you to give up?!"

Galaxy Steve felt more tears coming out of his eyes, no matter how much tried to stop them, trying to keep his focus on Sabre, who still refused to look at the other.

"He's not just some random Steve, Galaxy Steve! He froze you in time! He's clearly as powerful, if not more powerful than you and Void Steve ever were!"

Sabre gripped at his sleeve tighter, trying to level his breathing and turning around, staring into the lake behind him.

"So what!? He's just another person we'll defeat! Why are you letting him do this to us Sabre?! I thought we were friends.."

Galaxy Steve whispered the last part of his sentence to himself, sniffling softly and lowering his hands away from his face.

Sabre looked into the water below him, coughing to attempt to hide the slight sob that his throat attempted to let out, clearing his throat right after.

"We're not friends anymore Galaxy Steve, if that's what it takes you to leave me alone, then we aren't friends anymore!"

Galaxy Steve took a step back, trying to keep his attention focused on the player but unable to see clearly, everything a huge blurry fog.

"Wha - What? Sabre?"

Sabre turned around, meeting Galaxy Steve's gaze and seeing the tears falling down his face.

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