"Sire, who is that behind you?" | 🟠💚

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TWs(?) - Character death, calling someone something they don't want to be called

Welcome to "Void Steve; The Greatest Parent Ever" /j

Takes place in Rainbow Quest, during all three of Void's eras

Ships mentioned are Shadow Sabre and Dark Steve, Sabre and Time Steve, and Sabre and M, however only that last one is an actual ship in this chapter.

Other than that, enjoy!


"Why do you find so much interest in this children's game?"

"Excuse me? Children's game? Solitaire is so much more than a children's game, my dear ally. It requires intense focus and thinking."

"Something that you clearly lack."

"I'm sorry!? If I lacked intense focus and thinking, I don't believe boss man would've kept me around this long."

"Childish nicknames, childish behavior, playing a child's game, you wonder why I call you a child."

Corruption tsked at Soul's comments about them, placing the nine of hearts on top of a black ten, flipping over the card underneath it.

"I'm so sorry you can't find enjoyment in our situation Soul, while I'm trying to make the best of the situation."

"Why would I want to find enjoyment in this? Your childish behaviours are not something I wish to contribute to."

"I'm not childish!"

"You're getting all worked up over someone calling you childish Corruption, I can't wait to see how you are around Sabre and his little friends, they love throwing more insults around."

"I'm not getting worked up, I'm annoyed you keep calling me childish."

"Then stop acting childish, I'll stop calling you a child once you figure out how to act your age."

Corruption stood up from their chair at the table, throwing one of the cards from the deck in Soul's direction and missing just barely, the card flying through a hole in the others chair and landing into exposed lava.

"You missed."

"Are you two done bickering yet?"

The third voice in the room was deeper than the other twos and both looked over immediately, Corruption bowing out of respect and Soul standing to bow, before the other entity raised their hand, silently order the other two to stop.

Corruption rose, their dark purple eyes darting towards the other being quickly, noticing something was off.

"Void Steve, sire, who is that behind you?"

Soul was the first one the speak up, asking the same thing that was Corruptions mind.

"Who? This one?"

Void reached behind them, lifting up a child who looked no older than 10 into their arms, their right arm wrapped around the kid's waist.

Both Soul and Corruption looked in confusion, taking a glance between each other before looking back over at Void and the child they were hold.

"Who is that sire?"

"This is Slade, he's my son, that I forcefully kidnapped of course."

Corruption had to hold themself back from breaking out into laughter.

The thought of Void taking care of a child was completely unheard of in their mind, and now that it actually was happening, they were trying their hardest not to laugh.

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