The Return | 🟠💚

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TWs - There are no major one's besides some characters crying (as in a lot of them-)

Takes place in Rainbow Quest Aftermath.

Ships included in this are Sabre, Time Steve and M (Time Steve is not present, however is mentioned), and Professor Red and Red Leader (Hypno Steve).

Red Leader (Hypno Steve) and Sabre both have really bad stimming problems.

Red Leader (Hypno Steve) uses They/It.

Happy Orange Steve uses She/They.

Light Steve uses They/Them.

Other than that, enjoy!


"Are you for sure certain this will work?"

Sabre and Hypno Steve stood face to face, the player's hair blowing in the wind as he looked up at the very much taller Steve.

"Do you not trust in my powers Sabre?"

"It's not that I don't trust in them, it's that I'm worried what will happen when we actually go through with this and if something will go wrong."

They were currently in the midst of a slight argument, trying to figure out if it were possible and if it were safe to send both back into the timeline they once came from.

The topic started up as Sabre stating he had missed M and Time Steve, his lovers from before he was sent away, as well as missing the other coloured Steve's.

Hypno Steve, of course, agreed on the missing of M part, having that been it's apprentice prior to being turned into what they refer to itself now as a 'Monster'.

However, rather quickly the conversation turned into Sabre questioning Hypno Steve's powers and their ability to manipulate states of time.

Hypno Steve stated it had the power of practically anything, having all the knowledge of all universes meant the ability to conjure up anything, including the power travel between those universes.

Sabre, of course, was doubtful, not of Hypno Steve's powers capability, but of it's lack of mental conscious and possibility of everything going wrong.

"I'm rather confident in my power to get you to the other dimension Sabre."

"Egotistical much?"

"Call me as you will Sabre, I am your only chance of getting back to the other realm."

Hypno Steve flew up, flying around a bit as they grew further impatient.

Sabre sighed, crossing his arms and looking down at the ground, tapping his foot against the grass and slightly scratching at his arm.

He was stimming, they both were. A trait Hypno Steve didn't possess as a Red Steve however now possessed when it was infused with some of Sabre's mentality.

"Fine- Fine. We can try to see if this works."

Hypno Steve flew back down to Sabre's level, landing on their feet infront of him and wrapping it's hand around one of Sabre's wrists tightly, causing Sabre to wince slightly in pain.

"We're finding you a better stimming method by the way."

Sabre sighed, nodding and moving the hand that had it's wrist being tightly held to holding onto Hypno Steve's wrist.

"Concentrate on where we're going Sabre, I'll do the rest."

Sabre closed his eyes from underneath the bandana, his mind going to the Rainbow Quest realm, M's house, just outside it.

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