The Ocean | Part 3 | 🟠💔

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Attempted / thoughts of suicide, blaming of self quite heavily, mentioned suicide, mentioned character death, breakdown, overall just themes surrounding guilt and suicide

Part three to "The Ocean" trilogy.

Oh boy

Ships included / mentioned:
Sabre, Time and M (mentioned briefly)
Professor Red and Red Leader
Professor Red and Steve Saga Galaxy Steve (main focus)

Sabre, Time and M have a daughter named Roxy who is missing

Professor Red and Red Leader were engaged because the Elemental Steve incident.

Professor Red treats Assistant Steve like his kid.

Galaxy Steve is immortal, being a time traveler does stuff to you I guess.

Read part 1 and part 2 for a better understanding.

Other than that, enjoy and stay safe!


Professor Red looked off the edge of the moutain he stood on top of. There was nothing left anymore.

Galaxy Steve, his first lover, died a year and a half ago and he still wasn't over it.

Red Leader, his late fiancé, was turned into an entity who couldn't feel love, so there was no hope in getting him back.

Professor Red looked at the engagement ring around his finger, tears falling down his face and landing on that hand.

He had yet to take it off, feeling it wouldn't be right to. He also couldn't find Red Leader's ring however, assuming it was destroyed when he was attacked by Elemental Steve.

Elemental Steve. Professor Red wanted to hate his guts, he really did. But he couldn't bring himself to hate anyone but himself at the moment.

It was his fault, of course.

He took Sabre out of that battle with Elemental Steve to "test on him", when he was also secretly trying to protect him, which lead Elemental Steve to coming to the lab and attacking the Leader.

It was his fault he couldn't figure out a better solution to saving the Red Leader than fusing him with the sample of Sabre he had.

It was his fault that Galaxy Steve left and went to explore more after helping make Assistant Steve and then subsequently dying to Void Steve.

Assistant Steve...

Professor Red felt himself stiffen up, his breathing hitching as he let out a pained sob, gripping at his lab coat.

And it was most definitely his fault Assistant Steve left and committed suicide by drowning.

Professor Red fell to his knees, shaking violently and gripping his lab coat, almost over the edge but just far enough back to where he didn't fall just yet.

He was sobbing, crying out to anyone who could be there to listen, anyone to pull him away from this, anyone that could bring him back to before Assistant Steve ran out, to warn them about what was happening and to apologize.

But there was no one.

The only person that potentially could, Time Steve, had passed on to the World Beyond after sending Sabre to the new time loop.

No one could send him back.

He couldn't remake Assistant Steve, as he didn't have their memories backed up nor anywhere near enough material to do so.

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