The Elites Reunion | 🟦/🟠

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TW; Implied death, they're in the Spirit World / World Beyond for a reason

Takes place in both Rainbow Quest and Steve Saga, with Steve Legends characters. It's a great mashup we got here.

No ships involved.

Enzo is just the name I decided fit the Elite Leader, cause yeah.

Anyways, enjoy!


Colle laid on his back, laying on the grass with his fingers woven through the lightly misted blades of grass after it had rained earlier in the evening.

It was currently night time however, and Colle was staring up into the stars, the night sky was beautiful tonight.

Well, it was always a beautiful night in the Spirit World, there was never a bad night in this world, because there never was meant to be one.

This world was meant to be a sign of peace, since it's where Steve's and entities alike went when they passed on.

Entities being mentioned because Colle may fit into both categories, just maybe.

He kept his Steve form in the Spirit World however, so the people of this world would not know who he was in the life he lived in between entering Alex's portal and then passing on.

There have been a few Steve's he's met in this Spirit World that he knew as the entity he became in between the mentioned, so he thought it was better to keep the Red Steve form he was used to.


The mentioned Steve tilted his head back further, seeing the only other entity of this world floating above him.

"Oh, hello Guardian, did you need something?"

Colle sat up, the Guardian of the Spirit World flying over and landing in front of him, a soft smile of their face.

"Hello Colle, I came to inform you that this dimension seems to have shifted quite violently, I'm not entirely sure what happened, but it feels.. different."

The Red Steve tilted his head to the side, a confused look on his face.

"I mean.. I thought it felt a bit different, but I didn't know it would have shifted completely.."

The Guardian nodded their head up and down slowly, a sudden chill going through their entire body, making a visible impact on them.

Then, the entire world went white, or at least, it seemed as if the world was drained of it's color.

Not completely though?

"What in the world-"

Colle stood up, looking around. The world really did just completely lose it's color, it was completely white scaled.


The Guardian seemed just as confused, if not more, and even more worried.

"I have to go find more of the Steve's, spread what I told you as well Colle, please!"

The Guardian didn't even let Colle respond as they flew off in the direction Colle was facing.

Colle looked around in confusion for a moment, trying to process whatever it was the Guardian had said to him, before turning around and running off to locate any Steve's he could inform.



Ghost Steve took a step back, looking between the three Steve's in front of him.

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