Blue Steve's Time in Purgatory | 🟦💚

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All interactions in this chapter are platonic.

TWs - Mention of character death, brief panic attack.

Brief summary of specifically this chapter - Blue Steve is in the Spirit World with Professor Red and Rainbow Steve. Professor Red and Rainbow Steve want to learn more about Blue Steve's experience in the Spiritless World.

This is part 1 of an unknown amount of parts. If there ends up being too many parts, I will move it to it's own book.


"Hey, Blue Steve?"


"You.. you said you were a place called 'The Spiritless World' before coming here, right?"

"Uh, yeah, I did say that.. Why are you asking Professor Red?"

"Well, I was wondering what it was like and how you escaped, supposedly from what I learned from the Guardian it's supposed to be an inescapably prison for evil Steve's like Dark Steve and Nightmare Steve. And how'd you even end up there in the first place?"

"Um.. it's a bit of a long story.."

"Oh come on Blue Steve! We have all the time in the world! Literally!"

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll tell you guys."


After being absorbed by Rainbow Steve, Blue Steve woke up on a hill, a grassy one at that. There was a few trees around and a bunch of flowers, resembling a flower plains but on a mountain.

A flower mountain? Hm, sounds like an interesting biome to live in.

Either way, once Blue Steve recollected his ability to function, he sat up, looking around the landscape. He let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding and put his left hand up to the side of his head.

He didn't understand why, but he had a pounding headache, one that seemed to have appeared from nowehere. Usually if he were to have one, he'd use his ice powers to control it a bit but ever since he lost his powers, he was unable to do that and relied on getting a pair of glasses, figuring that was the issue.

The glasses did help, which surprised him slightly, however now he no longer had said glasses because they were shattered after he took the bolts of lightning Nightmare Steve attempted to use in order to destroy Rainbow Steve.

Getting off topic, Blue Steve noticied someone else was there, holding their hand out. Blue Steve couldn't make out what they looked like, as the entity had a large coat on that covered most of their body and face, however he could see a small smile on their face.

After a moment of processing this and gaining enough strength to grab onto the other entites hand, Blue Steve was helped up, slightly tugging on his own hair with the hand that was the side of his head.

The entity tilted it's head to side for a short moment before seeming to understand, placing their free hand and Blue Steve's forehead, creating an almost icey feel around Blue Steve's head and soothing the headache quite a bit.

After about half a minute of that, the entity let go of Blue Steve's hand, bent down and picked something up that Blue Steve couldn't see momentarily, too focused on the icey feeling as it was something he hadn't felt in a long while.

The thing the entity had picked up was placed on Blue Steve's face and then pushed back to the bridge of his nose and above his ears. It only took a second after that to realise it was Blue Steve's glasses that had been returned.

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