The Talk. (SM AU) | ⭐🟠

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This is long, oh god

Welcome to part 2-ish of After the Storm - Hypno's POV

Again, this is based off a series of roleplays me and TrulyJustMiraculous have done over the course of like three months or smthing

No TWs, Hypno seems a bit sus at the end though

Takes place in what is now deemed the Stolen Memories AU, so yeah

Like every character mentioned here besides Vee and Sabre go by they/them or they/it, welcome to us not caring about pronouns

But yeah

Besides that,



Hypno Steve had unknowingly faded into a sort of unconscious state while sitting at the table, not able to tell how much time had passed, if any at all.

They sighed, falling out of the unconscious state and staring in front of them, aware that Vee would never return unless action was taken, so action would be taken.

It stood up from the chair, pushing it forward and under the desk, trying to figure out where to go first in order to check for any energy signatures that even could be remotely traced back to Vee.

Firstly, a quick survey of their options had to be done.

She wouldn't have gone to any version of Rainbow Quest or Steve Legends, probably knowing that Hypno Steve could track her down easily in those dimensions as it existed within those dimensions' coding.

Which left the universes of Steve Saga and Steve Saga Origins, which were practically the same universe, much like Rainbow Quest and Steve Legends.

While this got rid of half of the possible timelines Vee could be in, it still left practically an infinite amount of timelines she could exist in, as those two universes held more sub-universes than the other universes combined.

Now, this left Hypno Steve with two options they could go forward with.

Option 1 was going throughout each and every timeline that existed within the main two universes plus their sub-universes, trying to latch onto any energy source they could find that resembled Vee's.

Or option 2 was contacting their least favourite person to ever exist, next to Void Steve, and have them locate Vee's energy as they existed within the coding of those two universes and it would make things much quicker.

The entity thought about these two options for a lot longer than necessary, as the answer should've been quite obvious.

Eventually, Hypno Steve gave in and sighed, mentally bracing themselves for the conversation it was about to have with an old pal.

Hypno Steve closed their eye, thinking deeply for a moment before feeling a presence appear in front of them not long after, sighing briefly and reopening it's eye.

In front of Hypno Steve stood their self proclaimed mortal enemy, the Hypno Steve from the other two universes.

"Hello friend."

The other Hypno Steve, while having no facial features, could clearly be heard smiling through their voice, a sickeningly sweet smile that Hypno Steve hated.

"Hello pal."

Hypno Steve said the word 'pal' as kindly as possible, feeling their eye twitch as it's arms crossed in front of them.

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