There's a reason. | 🟦💜

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TWs ; Bullying, kidnapping, death, arson, mentioned dead bodies, blood, Elemental Steve (/hj)

Takes place in an alternative universe of Steve Saga / Steve Saga Origins.

This is a random headcanon that turned into a 3000+ worded story lmao

There are no romantic relationships present, because I didn't feel like it.

Rainbow Steve uses He/They pronouns because I said so

Uh, the name Laila / Leila means "night" by the way, for context of why a certain character is named that.

Other than that, enjoy!


The young Yellow Steve scribbled away at her notebook, ignoring the notes on the chalk board in front of her that she was meant to be taking, too focused on creating her own world away from the room she was trapped within.

Every other sound in the room was drowned out, except for the quite sound of scribbling against the paper infront of her, drawing out mini scenes of steves locked in battle against a big major foe, trying their hardest to keep them from taking over the world.

The professor teaching her class at the front of the room fell silent to the rest of class, seemingly waiting for something.

The Yellow Steve soon noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and looked up, snapping out of her trance to see the professor of the class standing there.

"What is it that you think you're doing, Laila?"

Laila, the Yellow Steve, looked back down at her desk, closing the notebook that she was doodling, having completely forgotten about her presence in the classroom.

"I'm sorry sir, I got lost in my thoughts.. again.."

The professor shook his head in disappointment, walking back to the front of the class, the other students whispering amongst themselves.

"Now, as I was saying.."


At the end of the school day, Laila made her way out of the building, being shoved around as other Steve's push past her.

Once outside the building, a Red Steve that Laila was rather familiar with shoved her down the stairs to it's entrance, causing her to fall down them and land face first on the brick path at the base of the stairs.

Now, while the stairs weren't the largest thing ever, it was still quite the drop down, and once Laila hit the ground under her, she almost immediately felt her eyes start watering.

She heard Steve's all around her breaking out into laughter and as she tried sitting up, her vision was incredibly blurry due to the tears forming in her eyes.

Laila looked down at the ground, noticing drops of some red liquid coming out of her nose, assuming it was blood from the blunt impact with the brick floor.

She sat there in silence for a little bit, the sound of laughter all around her slowly getting more and more repetitive almost, like it was closing in on her from all directions.

No longer could she even truly see correctly, everything was just a complete blur of emotions.

Anger, rage, sadness, hurt, terrified. Multiple levels of these emotions were clouding her mind, and the last thing she remembered was standing up slowly before everything went completely black.

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