| Introduction and Emoji Codes |

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We pretend this introduction is not being written like a whole year or whatever after creating this book.

But welcome to the Rainbow Quest and Steve Saga Scenarios book, also referred to as the RQSSS book sometimes, by only me ever.

You'll find a wider range of series' mentioned here though, for example you'll also find Steve Legends and Steve Saga Origins, however they have all been neatly wrapped into two centralized universes; Steve Saga and Rainbow Quest.

You are allowed to request chapters, that is greatly appreciated, you can remain anonymous in the chapter request by simply messaging me privately your idea.
(Please this helps my motivation so much when you guys request things.)

Other then that, trigger warnings are presented at the beginning of each chapter however we may now get into my favourite system besides my own;

The Emoji System.


🟦 - Steve Saga and/or Steve Saga Origins

🟠 - The Steve Cinematic Universe (Rainbow Quest, Steve Legends, Twisted Rainbow)

💚 - Angst but not severe angst

💜 - Angst

💔 - Severe angst, proceed with caution and read the trigger warnings, please

🎨 - Throwaway chapters

⭐ - Stolen Memories AU


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