After the Storm - Hypno's POV (SM AU) | ⭐🟠

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Chapter is an alternative perspective of TrulyJustMiraculous 's latest chapter on her book

Chapter name also being 'After the Storm' and book being called 'RQ, SL, SS, SSO - Short Stories ✨' so go check those out, she has very good writing nodders ✨


Takes place in someplace at sometime

No TWs that I can think of, besides slight mention of death

The dimension hoppers duo played Uno during their conversation, so that's funny

You can figure out the ships mentioned /lh

You know Hypno's pronouns by now, I don't need to tell you at this point-

Anyways, enjoy!


After Vee teleported off to wherever she went after her's and Hypno Steve's interaction, Hypno Steve was left alone in the dark space.

The dark space, also known as communication lines, was the area between worlds alongside the light space, an area outside time itself.

The dark space was where Steve's could freely interact with other Steve's from other dimensions or timelines, or in Hypno Steve's case, interact with other players outside their timeline.

Hypno Steve looked down at it's hand, specifically their left one which showed off the darkness infection quite promptly, before hitting it against the table they were sat and standing up, feeling the darkness' energy try to take them in their weakened state of mind.

They fought it off, just like they had done countless times before. It sighed, clutching their left hand tightly before summoning lightning on themself and teleporting out of the dark space back into the light space, where Sabre had been waiting with a deck of UNO cards.

Upon hearing the lightning, Sabre looked up from shuffling and looked over at Hypno Steve, who walked over and sat down in front of Sabre.

"So, how was it?"

Hypno Steve didn't answer, holding their right hand out and motioning for the deck of cards.

Sabre tilted his head in confusion, however holding the cards out and placing them in the other's hand.

The Steve started dealing the cards out, and before long placed the rest of the deck in the middle, picking their cards up and looking at them.

"This is why I hate trusting people, Sabre."

Sabre looked up at Hypno Steve, nodding his head slowly and pulling a card out from the deck, placing it face up in-between the two entites.


The Steve sighed, placing down one of their cards on top of the drawn card.

"No, betrayal of trust more than anything."

Sabre placed down a card in response to Hypno Steve's, rolling his shoulders foward.

"You sure you're not misunderstanding the situation there?"

Hypno Steve placed another card down before looking at Sabre, a range of emotions flickering in their eye.

"She was dressed up at Goggles and was trying to tell me she was him."

The player clicked his tongue, drawing a card from the deck of cards and sighing.

"Yeah, well, maybe she was trying to impress you Hypno, maybe it was her way of telling you she wanted more than what you guys had."

Hypno Steve shook their head, placing another card down and sighing, the static their voice usually produced seemingly not present.

"If she wanted to tell me that, she didn't have to come as my late fiancé, she could've just came as herself and things could've gone differently.."

Sabre placed a card down, sighing and shaking his head however looking back up at Hypno Steve.

"So you're telling me that you would've accepted her feelings if she weren't dressed like Goggles?"

Hypno Steve paused, their pupil flickering still between different emotions.

"I don't- I don't know."

The Steve finally put a card down, sighing to themself and shaking their head.

Sabre tilted his head to the side, looking down at the card that was on top before putting another card down as well.

"You're conflicted with what Ruby wants and what Hypno Steve wants."

Hypno Steve felt the darkness within them back down at the mention of Ruby, slowly blinking.

"You're scared you'd be disrespecting Goggles by being with someone else when you knew it was never your place to be Goggles' to begin with."

Hypno Steve looked at Sabre before looking back down at the cards in their hands, placing another one down.

"Uno. And I don't know Sabre, I don't know what I want."

Sabre blinked slowly underneath the bandana, sighing and placing down a plus two card.

"I know it's difficult Hypno, I know, you're aware of how I felt when me and Time started dating after Rainbow betrayed us for Void, but you either have to accept your feelings as they are or you'll forever live with the fact you just lost one of the last people you care about."

Hypno Steve sharply inhaled, drawing two cards and sighed, watching Sabre place down another card.

"She already gone, there's no point in trying to chase after her Sabre."

The Steve placed a reverse card down, followed by another card in response.


Sabre looked up at Hypno Steve, giving them a sad look even if Hypno Steve couldn't tell.

"Can't you just track her energy down? She's clearly not fully just a player so you should be able to get some energy signal.."

Hypno Steve shook their head no, placing their final card down and looking down at it's left hand, feeling the darkness starting to pulse through them again.

"No, I can't. Her energy is just completely gone and I can't trace it down."

Sabre sighed, placing his own cards down on the pile and picking it up, starting to shuffle it back into the main deck.

"Maybe she's masking it? Some people with a lot of energy are able to hide it, maybe she's hiding it so you can't find her."

Hypno Steve shrugged at Sabre's suggestion, sighing.

"I don't know Sabre, what if she got hurt or died? Or went into one of the Steve Saga dimensions and found Memory Steve and-"

Sabre snapped his fingers infront of Hypno Steve, sighing and shaking his head.

"She wouldn't do that Hypno, just because she left suddenly doesn't mean she would go as far as to erase her own memories."

Hypno Steve blinked slowly, sighing and placing their hands on the back of their neck, standing up.

"I'll be back later Sabre, okay?"

Sabre nodded his head, moving the Uno deck back into it's case.

Hypno Steve walked a few steps away before teleporting away, back into the dark space and looking around, not sensing any energy and sighing.

They sat back down at the table they and Vee usually were at when they talked, holding their hands together in front of them and waiting, no matter how long it would take.


I love making lore out of a roleplay, it's great innit Vee?

Anyways, thoughts?

-ThePurpleOne87 (in collaboration with TrulyJustMiraculous)

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