All it takes is a show of kindness. | 🟠💚

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It'ss been so long (since the last I seen my son-) since we wrote one of these beginnings uh..

TWs ; N/A? Rainbow Steve has a breakdown but besides that, I don't believe there is any.

No ships either.

Rainbow Steve and Light Steve are siblings.

Light Steve goes by They/Them pronouns.

That's it! Enjoy.

Written by ; Ezra(?)
Co-Written & Edited by Rylen


"EVERYONE! READY YOUR DEFENSES, MAKE SURE YOU'RE IN POSITION! We do not know when the darkness will lay siege so we have to keep a high alert!"

The Yellow King stood on top of his castle, commanding orders to the Yellow Steve's throughout his kingdom-outpost set-up.

His assistant, along with his advisor and Yellow Steve with a leather chestplate, were on the ground floor, directing Steve's around making sure everyone was ready to go.

Light Steve stood to the Yellow King's left, keeping a look out for any approaching darkness so they were ready to notify the king once it laid siege.

This was not the first time either of them had orchestrated preparations for a darkness siege, however this one would possibly be the largest they would ever face.

With Void Steve's place of being the ruler of darkness having been restored, the amount of darkness throughout the world had rapidly increased, causing several kingdoms to have already fallen, from what Light Steve could tell anyways.

"Sir, are you sure we'll be alright? Do you think I should go gather the Orange Steve's as well and bring them here, you saw how well they worked together last time."

Yellow King looked over at Light Steve, thinking on it for a moment before turning back to watch his people.

"Yes, yes go get the Orange Steve's Light, we need as much help as we can get."

Light Steve nodded their head, looking down and summoning teleportation lightning on themself, teleporting to the Orange Village.

Once they arrived there, they were quite confused on how the Orange Steve's were just there, chilling.

"OH! Light! Hey!"

Funny Orange Steve was the first to notice Light Steve's entrance into the kingdom, which prompted him to walk over, Happy Orange Steve and Miner Orange Steve trailing right behind him.

"Hello Funny. Happy, Miner, good to see you both as well. Where's the leader? I need to talk to him, and you guys as well."

Happy Orange Steve gave a confused look before she pointed towards the Leader's house.

"He's in there! We can come with you if you'd like so it's easier?"

Light Steve looked over at the Leader's house before looking back at the Orange Steve's.

"Uh, Funny, if you could come with me. Happy, Miner, go collect the rest of the Orange Steves, all the one's you can find."

Happy Orange Steve and Miner Orange Steve both nodded almost in sync, splitting up to gather the Orange Steves.

Light Steve motioned for Funny Orange Steve to follow them, which he complied to, both making their way to the Leader's house before being stopped in their path by lightning striking between them and the path that took them straight to his house.

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