An experiment gone wrong | 🟠

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this is long

No TWs for this one

Requested by, I think blossom_fanfics, I think

Takes place in Rainbow Quest: Aftermath except an alternate timeline where Shadow Sabre didn't like go evil or whatever and Dark's still alive

Shadow Sabre and Assistant Steve go by They/Them

I don't remember what ships were mentioned, I think it's only really Dark Steve and Shadow Sabre

That's it, probably



Shadow Sabre, Sabre, and Dark Steve were all in the same room for once in awhile, Shadow Sabre asleep on the couch while Dark Steve and Sabre played Monopoly, using the coffee table in the middle to hold the game board.

Sabre rolled the dice out onto the board, accidentally hitting Dark Steve's piece from it's place.

"My poor top hat you prick."

The player looked up from the board and over at the Steve, giving him a look through the bandana over his eyes.

Dark Steve laughed nervously, moving his piece back to where it was originally.

Sabre sat up slightly, looking at the dice and seeing they landed on a 4 and 3 respectively.

Sabre took hold of his board piece, the car, and moved it seven places ahead of where it was before, landing on community chest.

He reached over and picked up the top card from the deck that Shadow Sabre had shuffled just before falling asleep two hours ago, reading over it silently before smirking.

"Oh dear Origin, what did you get Sabre?"

Sabre looked over at the Steve on the other side of the table, sliding the card his direction and picking his piece up, moving it somewhere.

Dark Steve picked the card up with a bit of struggle before reading it to himself.

"This is dumb, this game is dumb."

Sabre laughed a bit, trying to keep his volume down as to not wake Shadow Sabre up.

He had moved his piece to Boardwalk, the most expensive yet one of the most powerful properties on the board.

"And you already have Park Place, this is completely dumb."

"Hey Darky, mind passing me the boards container? I need a certain bag from it."

Dark Steve stared Sabre down, slowly reaching down and grabbing the plastic sandwich bag that held all the houses and hotels for Monopoly, throwing it across the table to Sabre.

"Hey, no need to be agressive."

The Steve huffed, before feeling a hand fall into his hair and gently start playing with it, calming him down.

"Morning Shadow."

"Sabre it's 3 in the afternoon."

Dark Steve and Sabre exchanged a glare, before both laughed.

"I fell asleep at like 1 and you guys are still playing Monopoly? How-"

"This game takes hours Shadow, hours."

Dark Steve nodded in agreement, taking the dice off the board and rolling them.

"Hey, it was still my turn!"

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