My brother. | 🟠💚

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TWs: Implied and shown character death, briefly mentioned suicide, mentioned thoughts of self doubt, Elemental Steve acting before he thinks

Takes place in the Rainbow Quest timeline.

No ships involved.

The Blue Steve that becomes Void Steve is one of Galaxy Steve's children now, because I said so.

TransFtM!Time Steve and Elemental Steve (he/him)

Galaxy Steve uses he/they

Blue Steve uses they/them

Fluffy angst smile

Anyways, enjoy!


"Elly! Time! Get back here!"

The galaxy themed Steve yelled at the names of their kids, who were currently running through the Middle World.

His house mate, Indigo Steve, was laughing, chasing behind Galaxy Steve as they tried catching up to the kids.

Elemental Steve turned her head back, sticking her tongue out and giggling happily, grabbing her sister's hand and started running faster.

Time Steve held onto Elemental Steve's hand tightly, trying to keep up but not being a very fast runner compared to her sister.

"Wait-! Wait! Elly actually stop!"

Elemental Steve froze, looking back at her dad before looking at her twin, noticing she was floating.

"Woah.. Timey you float!"

Time Steve looked down, noticing she was indeed floating off the ground.

Galaxy Steve and Indigo Steve had also stopped running, Galaxy Steve a bit in awe.

"I float!"

Time Steve giggled happily, spinning in a circle, however losing her balance and falling, being caught by Elemental Steve before hitting the ground.

"Thank you El!"

Elemental Steve smiled, looking over at Galaxy Steve and Indigo Steve again.

"Did you see Timey dad! She float!"

"I did see Time float, that was really cool!"

Galaxy Steve walked forward to take Time Steve from her sister's arms but Elemental Steve moved the both of them away, a faint crackling sound emitting from her.

"My brother."

Time Steve felt her entire body shiver from that, hugging onto Elemental Steve tightly.

"My brother!"

Time Steve had repeated what Elemental Steve called her, which made Elemental Steve smile brightly.

Galaxy Steve smiled softly, wrapping his arms around the both of them.

"My sons."


"LoOk aT mE, iM elEmEnTaL sTevE aNd I thInK iM sO hoT."

Time Steve mocked, staring his brother down through the clock themed mask they had on.

"At least I admit I'm hot unlike SOMEONE who hides behind a mask."

The dimension controller crossed his arms over his chest, Time Steve huffing in annoyance.

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