Prism Duo | 🟦

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Steve Saga my beloved series



This was suggested by TrulyJustMiraculous , and then I added some small angst parts to it :]

Takes place just after the whole second Ultra vs Chaos Steve fight but before Positive and Negative Steve show up (Steve Saga obviously)

No ships.

Light and Rainbow are canonically related, no clue how, so just roll with it

Light Steve isn't an adult, like the chapter suggests, he's actually 16 - //headcanon

But besides that, I believe that's it



Rainbow Steve kicked his feet forward into the lake just infront of him, looking off onto the distance at the rainbow wall that surrounded the entire rainbow town.

He sighed softly, it had been awhile since there was a moment of quiet peace.

They, well, Ultra Steve had just defeated Chaos Steve, Reverse Steve and Nightmare Steve were long gone, same with Dark Steve and Shadow Steve, and there was no other known evil in the world, so there was nothing to worry about.

Sabre and Lucas had finished up recording an hour or so ago and had left Rainbow Steve to wherever they disappear off to, which Rainbow Steve found strange how they could just teleport without lightning or anything.

Rainbow Steve stood up, getting tired of sitting on the grass, dusting himself off before floating up, flying over to the Rainbow Tree of Life, mainly to see if Light Steve was near it.

Just as he expected, the rainbow patterned Steve spotted his self-proclaimed brother sitting under the tree, against the roots and seemingly either asleep or just resting.

The rainbow coloured Steve took a few moments to figure out if he should bother him or not, but eventually he flew down and walked towards Light Steve.

The other seemed to hear Rainbow Steve approaching, revealing they weren't asleep, seeing as soon as Rainbow Steve was a few blocks from him, his eyes opened and he was looking in the other's direction.

"Oh! Hi Light Steve, I didn't know if you were awake or not, or if I woke you up."

Rainbow Steve smiled nervously, walking over and sitting down next ro him, leaning back against the tree and feeling it's energy coursing through him.

"No it's fine Rainbow Steve, I wasn't asleep."

Light Steve smiled back, moving his head to looking over at Rainbow Steve.

The rainbow coloured Steve's smile changed to something more joyful, placing his hands in his lap.

"Yeah, you just looked like you were from a distance."

Light Steve nodded his head, shrugging his shoulders in circles and cracking them.

"It's just really nice over here by the tree, like I can feel it's energy in a way."

Rainbow Steve perked up at the closing statement, looking over at Light Steve as well finally.

"I know right! I can feel it's energy too, it may be because like, I created you in a way? Or because you've been infused with my energy so many times."

Light Steve laughed softly, leaning his head back against the tree.

"I've been infused with your energy the same amount of times Dark Steve has, so would he also feel connected to the tree?"

Rainbow Steve groaned at the mention of Dark Steve's name, rolling his eyes a bit and huffing.

"Maybe. But he wasn't created by me so it won't affect him as positively."

Light Steve laughed quietly at Rainbow Steve's reaction to Dark Steve, shaking his head a bit.

"Of course, sometimes I forgot you're my dad."

Rainbow Steve burst out laughing, coughing a bit from choking on said laughter.

"Mhm, of course son, of course."

Light Steve giggled at the comment, shaking his head.

"You very much could be my dad, seeing how old you are, but then I'd have to like, call you dad, which is weird."

Rainbow Steve looked almost offended at the comment about how old he was, but he nodded.

"Yeah, plus it just makes more sense that we're labelled as brothers, we act more like siblings than father and son."

Light Steve hummed softly in agreement, his head falling and leaning onto Rainbow Steve's shoulder.

Rainbow Steve smiled softly, leaning further back against the tree and sighing softly, feeling at peace once more.

"Sorry, again, Light Steve, for making you fight Dark Steve so many times, especially with the rainbow powers, I know how much it drains you."

Light Steve smiled, his eyes looking up at Rainbow Steve.

"It's alright, as long as I got to protect you, Sabre and Lucas, I don't mind."

Rainbow Steve's smile brightens a bit, wrapping one of his arms around the back of Light Steve and pulling him a bit closer.

"Still, you're still a kid Light Steve, and I don't want you getting killed...again."

The rainbow coloured Steve's voice lowered as he got to the end of the sentence.

Light Steve's smile fell to a frown, wrapping his arms around Rainbow Steve and sighing softly, laying his forehead against the other's shoulder.

"I'm not a kid anymore Rainbow, and you can bring me back anytime I do die."

Rainbow Steve sighed, patting Light Steve's head and messing up his hair.

"You're a kid Light."

Light Steve shook his head, yawning and curling up a bit against the other Steve.

Rainbow Steve smiled faintly, holding Light Steve close to him and turning his head to look at the other.

The younger of the two Steve's held onto the other tightly, slowly drifting off into sleep while leaning against him.

After a few minutes of silence minus the wind and Light Steve's steady breathing, Rainbow Steve assumed he had fallen asleep, possibly from the stress of fighting Chaos Steve not too long ago.

The rainbow coloured Steve sighed a bit from the thought before leaning his head back against the tree, the energy flowing through the tree emitting off and creating a soothing feeling for both of the Steve's laying against it.

Eventually, after a few more minutes of peaceful silence, Rainbow Steve also drifted off into sleep, his right arm wrapped around Light Steve protectively and his left arm hanging loosely to the side.


"I don't know about this, like he clearly isn't even an adult yet!"

"We need to go through with this, it's what boss would've wanted."

"Yeah well 'boss' had us locked in jail cells for 15 years of our lifes!"

"Fine then, don't do this with me, just know you'll be the sorry one."


"Fine, let's go Negative."





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