The Rivalry. (Crossover) | ⭐🟠💜

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Crossover between the Stolen Memories AU (created by me and TrulyJustMiraculous) and the chapter I have called 'Credence'.

This chapter is chaotic in it's own rights to be honest.

TWs - Murder:), mention of killing people, and blood

I believe that's all, enjoy!


Hypno Steve and Seer stood face to face, well, as face to face as they could be with Hypno Steve practically a foot and a half taller than them.

"I turned you into a crystal, how the hell are you here?!"

If Hypno Steve could have an expression on their face, it would be a blank smile, their pupil switching back and forth between degrees of anger.

"I could be asking you the same question to you friend. Last I checked, your main AU form was destroyed."

Seer tsk'd, sighing and flying up a bit, just to be able to look Hypno Steve face to face.

"Yeah well, just because you destroyed our Rainbow Quest main AU form, you haven't destroyed our Steve Legends AU form."

Hypno Steve sighed, walking further into the Orange Kingdom as Seer followed shortly behind them.

"So what? You destroyed the entire Orange Kingdom, congratulations. Just like how your main AU did with the Red Kingdom."

The blue coloured Steve laughed, a bit sadistic sounding, floating after the other Steve who stepped over rumble and blue fire.

"It was quite entertaining, seeing the life drain from their eyes, especially that Rainbow Steve fella."

Hypno Steve paused, looking back at Seer who had a faint smile of their face as they floated above all the destruction they caused.

The corrupted Steve sighed, shaking their head and ending up in the middle of what used to be the Orange Kingdom, where a fountain used to be.

It noticed the burnt leaves that laid by where the fountain was, along with a dulled out rainbow heart pin.

They bent down infront of the objects, waving their hand over it and looking for any energy signature they could trace them back to.

A faint crystal energy came from the dulled rainbow heart pin however nothing came from the leaves surrounding it.

"That's where the so called Third Hero and dimension protector were before I sent them both on fire."

Hypno Steve hummed quietly out of feigned interest, when in reality they really couldn't care less.

They walked just south of the fountain to a barely standing building that seemed to originally be a fountain, feeling the crystal around their next emit an energy signature.

"What's up with building? There seems to of been a large amount of energy in this one structure."

The blue steve laughed a bit, floating through the now blow down door, Hypno Steve following behind.

"In here was your copy and their friends, and husband or whatever, the professor looking one."

Hypno Steve stares down at the crystal, which seemed to have dulled in colour, almost as if it could hear the conversation they were having.

"Let me guess, you destroyed them?"

Seer nodded, humming almost happily as they floated back down onto the ground and walked towards the table the group had been sitting at, noticing a slightly burnt photo on the booth.

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