Time's going to kill a Red Steve later | 🟠

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Requested by blossom_fanfics except I apologize for not actually like, completing the request fully and making it wholesome with angst sprinkled in-

TWs are Time Steve has a bit of a mental breakdown briefly.

Takes place in the Rainbow Quest Aftermath world.

Ships present are M and Time Steve.

FtM!Time Steve and FtM!Elemental Steve because yessir

Other than that, enjoy!


Time Steve was asleep in M's arms, or at least, he thought he was.

When the keeper of time stirred in his sleep, revealing he was waking up, he noticed he was not cuddling M and was in fact cuddling a pillow.

Time Steve looked at the pillow, confused for a moment, then sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and yawning, stretching his arms out and not feeling anything binding him from doing so.

He sat confused for a moment before remembering two nights previously, when M had helped Time Steve remove his binder for at least a day as the controller of time rarely if ever took it off.

Nonetheless, he slowly moved to the edge of his bed, standing up and seeimg nothing but white for a few moments before it eventually cleared.

He still needed to figure out the cause behind that, but for now he walked over to his dresser, opening them and searching for his binder.

After opening all the drawers and not finding it however, Time Steve started to panic, looking through all the drawers again several times over.

"Nonono, where is it-?!"

Time Steve was practically hyperventilating at this point, wrapping his arms around himself consciously, falling onto the floor and holding onto himself.

As this was happening, Elemental Steve arrived in his brother's dimension, having easy access to it now ever since they had bonded again.

The dimension controller hummed to himself, walking around a bit before eventually reaching Time Steve's room, going to knock on the door but hearing the sound of rapid breathing and crying from the other side.

Elemental Steve thought for a moment before opening the door to Time Steve's room, closing it slowly behind him and seeing the mess his brother was on the floor.

He quickly rushed over, dropping down and hugging Time Steve, pulling him close.

"Hey- Hey, Timey, Time, you're safe, I've got you."

Time Steve registered the voice as Elemental Steve's, turning around and hugging him tightly, knowing he could trust him in this situation.

"What's wrong Times?"

"I-I couldn't find my binders-"

Elemental Steve slowly nodded, laying his head on top of Time Steve's.

"It's alright Timey, it's alright. We'll find them. For the mean time, go find your coat and we'll figure it out from there, alright?"

Time Steve paused for a moment at the time pun, looking at Elemental Steve who was trying to play it off like he didn't just intentionally emphasize the word.

"You make one more time pun and I'll be the one to kill you."

Elemental Steve laughed a bit, slowly standing up and moving Time Steve off of.

"I'll be by the interdimensional TV."

Time Steve nodded, watching as Elemental Steve left the room and closed the door behind him.

The time controller rubbed his eyes a bit, drying them of any excess tears, before walking back to him drawer, grabbing one of his coats out of it, putting it on, and wrapping it around himself protectively.

The funny thing is, however, this coat wasn't originally one of his, it used to belong to M. And Time Steve definitely didn't steal it from him.

Anyways, he walked out of the room, going over to the interdimensional TV, where Elemental was standing, flipping through the pages of a book he found in Time Steve's libary.

"Whatcha got there Ele?"

Elemental Steve looked up from the book before looking back at it.

"Time, why do you have a book called 'How to Sex 5; Inspired by the hit novel series How to Sex by Tom-'"

The book was quickly grabbed by Time Steve, who was flustered out of embarrassment, turning away.

Elemental Steve stared at him for a moment before laughing slightly, holding his hand out.

"Come on Timey, I think I know who we can bother into getting your binders back."

Time Steve placed the book onto his control panel, taking hold on Elemental Steve's hand and soon after feeling teleportation lightning striking them.

Soon, the arrived at the Red Kingdom, well, specifically the outskirts, just outside M's original house when he was the apprentice.

"Why are we at M's house?"

"Go inside and ask him, I'm sure he'll know."

Time Steve looked at Elemental Steve, confused, before nodding, walking over to the house and knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

Time Steve opened the door and closed it behind him, looking over at M who was sat on his couch.

"Oh, Timey, good morning love."

M stood up, walking over and wrapping his arms around the other, pulling him close.

Time Steve smiled, wrapping his arms around M in return and letting himself feel safe in his arms.

"Did you need something Times? Usually you summon me to your dimension when you want cuddles."

Time Steve laughed quietly, holding onto M a bit tighter.

"Elemental sent me here saying you would know where my binders went?"

M looked at Time Steve for a moment before looking off to the side at the floor.

Time Steve tilted his head, confused, before piecing things together.


"Time listen, I'm worried about you-"

Time Steve put his hand over M's mouth, hugging him tighter.

"You're forgiven for now, just for now."

The time manipulating Steve moved his hand back down, wrapping both arms around him again.

M laughed nervously, picking Time Steve up slowly, who wrapped his legs around M's waist in return.

"I'm sorry for not telling you before hand Time, I love you."

Time Steve hummed a bit in response at first, holding onto M tightly.

"No apologizing, but I love you too M."




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