Family Dynamics | 🟠

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takes place before steve saga origins i think???

alex and origin steve is the ship mentioned

eden is the elder blue who becomes the overseer

memory steve small baby boy

void steve goes by they/them

i believe that's all



Galaxy Steve sat in the living room of his and his familes house, knitting together a blanket for the newest kid to the family, who Void Steve got a say in what their name was.

He noticed his older sons, Elemental Steve and Time Steve, run into the living room, Elemental Steve chasing after Time Steve who had something in his hand.

Galaxy Steve sighed, slowly breathing in and out again.

"Why are you chasing your brother El?"

Elemental Steve huffed, finally managing to fly ahead of Time Steve and tackling him down, grabbing the thing Time Steve had in his hand out of it.

"Time stole the locket that Aunt Alex gave me."

Galaxy Steve blinked slowly, sighing snd shaking his head, going back to knitting together the blanket.

"Time, stop taking your brother's things. If you want a locket like it, you have my permission to go visit Aunt Alex and Uncle Origin."

Elemental Steve huffed, getting up and off of Time Steve, running off to their shared bedroom.

Time Steve stuck his tongue out in Galaxy Steve's direction, standing up soon after and walking out the door, teleporting off to Origin Steve's house in the overworld, suspecting that's where they would be.

Galaxy Steve let out a breath of relief, soon after noticing Void Steve standing in the hallway between the living room and bedrooms, holding a baby Memory Steve in their arms.

"You better finish that soon Gala, or I'm stealing one of El's old blankets."

The galaxy patterned Steve laughed softly, going back to knitting the blanket.


After arriving at Origin Steve's overworld house, Time Steve walked up to the door and knocked on it, waiting for someone to open it.

After a couple seconds of silence, the door opened to a Steve who was about Time Steve's height however they were dark blue themed.

"Oh- Hi, I'm Time Steve!"

Time Steve held his hand out, smiling brightly and his golden eyes sparkling a bit.

The dark blue Steve smiled nervously, taking Time Steve's hand and shaking it.

"H-Hi, I'm Eden."

Behind Eden appeared Alex, who was holding a jar of peanut butter and seemed to just be coming from the kitchen.

"Oh! Time, hi! Please, come on, Eden he's one of uncle Galaxy's kids, he's safe."

Eden nodded their head in response, stepping out of the doorway and into the dining room, sitting down in a chair.

"I'm not interrupting anything right?"

Time Steve stepped inside, looking over into the kitchen and at Alex, who was accompanied by Origin Steve making what he could only assume was some form of cake.

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