The Void | 🟠

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TWs - Mention of character death, someone decides violence is the answer (Rainbow Red)

Takes place in the Rainbow Quest world, specifically the void

This is more AU than canon Rainbow Quest

Ships involved are Shadow Sabre and Dark Steve where they're mentioned to be engaged.

Nightmare Steve is Dark Steve's dad and Void Steve is Shadow Sabre's parent.

Both Void Steve and Shadow Sabre are non-binary here and use they/them.

Other than that, enjoy!


"Dark Steve."

"My king? Is that you?"

Dark Steve had appeared in the void, the resting place for all forms of darkness no matter how much they redeemed themselves. He also however appeared in front of Nightmare Steve, his creator.

"Hello Dark Steve, my apprentice."

Nightmare Steve walks down from his throne, approaching him and standing infront of him. Dark Steve almost immediately bows, his previous instincts from when he was evil kicking in.

However, Nightmare Steve reached forward, placing his hand under his creation's chin and making him look up, almost scaring Dark Steve more.

"No need to bow no longer, son."

Dark Steve's eyes light up at the last word, immediately standing up and looking at Nightmare Steve, slightly confused.

"But- that was always something you made me do when you were ali-"

"And I said we're no longer doing it. Listen to orders would you?"

Dark Steve nods quickly, almost bowing but keeping himself from doing so.

"Yes sir, my apologies sir."

"Also stop that, we're both dead at this point Dark Steve so why keep up the formalities?"

Dark Steve thought he was taken aback before but none he felt as if what was happening wasn't even really happening.


Dark Steve stayed quiet, trying to figure out what to say in place of sir.

"You can call me Nightmare Steve, don't call me Nightmare King though, no point in that anymore."

"Understood Nightmare Steve."

Nightmare Steve nods slowly, turning around and walking back to his throne, sitting down.

"Make yourself comfortable son, we're going to be here for the rest of eternity."

Dark Steve nods in understanding, looking behind him and walking out of palace, slightly admiring the structure.

Nightmare Steve smiles to himself, leaning back in his throne.

He knew what Dark Steve had been up to, even if Dark Steve didn't want to admit it. He'd have to have a chat with Void Steve soon about the relationship between their sons.

It was nothing to worry about now, however, as Dark Steve could no longer interact with Shadow Sabre for multiple reasons, but it was still something to discuss.


Dark Steve walked around, every darkness greeting him as he walked by it. And because of Dark Steve's new personality, he greeted it back, some seemingly to become shocked and some finding this normal.

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