The Sword | 🟦💚

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TWs ; Uh, there's a lot man. Blood, death, murder, someone tries to get the other to kill themself, mention of murder, character death, Void Steve

Takes place in the Steve Saga universe, but imagine if Galaxy Steve didn't absorb Void Steve.

As I'm writing this part (after the chapter's been written), it still doesn't have a title lol

Void Steve uses they/them pronouns, fight me I dare you

Other than that, enjoy


Void Steve threw their head back, letting out a deep chuckle as they had their sword point directly towards Sabre's neck, lowering their head back down to make partial eye contact with the other entity, if it weren't for the other's blindfold.

"It's almost funny how you think you can just defeat me so easy Sabre, truly hilarious."

Sabre's head was forced up looking at Void Steve, stuck staring into their souless, almost lifeless eyes.

Despite it not being noticable, Sabre closed his eyes, his hands falling from grasping onto the blade in front of him

He was completely numb to the pain from the deep cuts in his hands, plus the red liquid coming from them wasn't even noticable to the player.

"This isn't over Void Steve, I'll - I'll stop you. Galaxy Steve with stop you - You won't win this."

Void Steve snickered, a painfully vile grin plastered across their face.

"Oh, now that's funny. You think Galaxy Steve can stop me? Really? If he was here to stop me, than where is he Sabre? Oh right, he's. gone."

The steve made sure to emphasize the last few words of their statement, tapping the sword against Sabre's chin, forcing his head to look up more.

Sabre took a breath, trying to be cautious about how much he was moving to make sure the sword didn't make a single cut on his neck.

If it did, it would practically be game over.

"He's not gone, you just have him hidden somewhere, don't you? He'll be back to save me anytime now."

Void Steve rolled their eyes, pressing the sword a bit closer towards Sabre's neck, causing the player to stiffen up.

"You rely on your so called friends so heavily, Sabre. Why is that? Why don't you ever do anything for yourself? Every solution to every problem you've ever had. It's involved using a Steve's powers one way or another."

Sabre directed his line of sight up towards Void Steve, who's eyes were fixated on the player quite heavily, seemingly waiting for a response.

But Sabre didn't have one.

He stammered on his words for a few moments, trying to form any sort of answer to Void Steve but umable to think of anything.

Void Steve crouched down to Sabre's level, sitting on one of their legs while the other kept their balance.

They kept the sword directed at Sabre's neck and Sabre's line of sight followed Void Steve the entire time.

"I don't rely on the Steve's powers, Void Steve."

Void Steve tilted their head to the side, letting out one of their signature evil laughs.

"Oh? Is that so, Sabre? May I reintroduce you the Galaxy Sword? Or perhaps the memory helmets, that little machine you used to extract powers from me through Purple Steve.."

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