Nightmares | 🟠

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Welcome to the first full Steve Legends based chapter, I think.

TWs - Mention of dead bodies for like two seconds and a nightmare

Takes place before the Demon Steve incident but after the Dread Steve incident.

No this isn't a ship, they are more best friends than lovers if anything in my eyes, and they're both 17

However they do joke about sleeping together in this chapter, mainly Colle

Seer goes by they/them


That's all



Colle sighed to himself, stretching his arms above his head for a moment and groaning softly, shaking his head a bit to fluff up his hair a bit.

It was around 2 am currently, and the Red Steve had just been getting ready to go to bed, having to wake up early in the morning to train with Seer and the Obsidian Steve's to get better at fighting tactics after the whole ordeal with Dread Steve and the Last Inferno, and going to bed at 2 am wasn't a good start.

He yawned audibly, pulling the covers back on his bed and climbing in, pulling the covers back over himself nestling into the warmth of the blankets, it being rather cold in the Obsidian Steve's kingdon, even with it being surrounded by a lava lake.

Colle's hands held onto the blankets that covered him, snuggling against them and trying to focus on any one specific sound to keep his mind from wandering, so he could sleep.

He eventually settled on the ticking of the clock positioned on the direct opposite side of his room, the sound always calmed the Red Steve down whenever he was stressed or just needed to relax.

Colle was always very aware of the clock being off, however he was also aware of much it was off by, being off by exactly 2 hours. The Red Steve had just never gotten around to fixing it.

As he was drifting off into sleep, his housemate, Seer, had just woken up rather rapidly from a dream they had revolving around the events of what Dread Steve had shown them before being destroyed.

The Blue Steve ran their fingers through their hair, sighing to themself and shaking a bit from fear, pulling the blankets closer as well as pulling their knees up to their chest, even though they didn't feel practically cold, and if anything would've preferred less blankets.

That didn't matter now, because Seer had two options at this moment.

They could either attempt to fall asleep and risk the dream returning, or they could go get Colle.

Option 1 required Seer to calm down first for them to even want to go back to sleep, but it would also require them to be ready to face the bodies lying on the ground, the blue fire, the black obsidian that coated the ground, and their own reflection being that of nothing but a void.

However, option 2 required none of that, it simply required Seer not being a baby and going to his best friend to ask for comfort, which to Seer, seemed like a childish thing, and Seer was no child. They were actually closer to an adult, being 17.

The Blue Steve sighed to themself once more before throwing the covers off themselves and walking to the door, taking one last look over at their bed before quietly opening the door and walking out of their room, stepping foot into the much colder hallway that connected practically every room in the house.

Seer walked down the hall a few steps before reaching Colle's room, signified by the sign on the door reading his name.

The Blue Steve sighed quietly, raising a hand up and curling it into a fist, pausing for a few more moments and rethinking this, before giving in and knocking on the door.

Colle had been half asleep by this point however was awaken by the sound of the knocking at the door, throwing off his focus of the ticking of the clock on the wall.

The Red Steve yawned momentarily before taking the covers off himself and sighing, getting out of bed slowly as he was incredibly tired and half asleep at the same time.

He walked to the door and opened it, locking eye contact with Seer who was standing there with their hands behind their back.

"Hey Seer? Ya need something?"

Colle shook his head a bit, yawning again and rubbing his eyes.

Seer cleared their throat, feeling incredibly awkward in this moment before sighing quietly.

"I uh.. I was wondering if I could sleep with you.."

Colle stayed silent, now more awake than he was earlier and staring at Seer like they had lost their mind.

Seer took a moment to realize why they were getting a weird look from Colle, and as soon as they realized their face turned red.


Colle laughed at Seer's sudden outburst, his own face a bit red from embarrassment but no where near as red as Seer's was at the moment.

The Blue Steve turned and looked away, shaking their head and rubbing their forehead slowly.

"I know what you meant Seer, now come in."

Colle moved a bit and opened the door further open, stepping off to the side and holding the door open to let Seer inside.

Seer huffed to themself before walking into Colle's room, their face no longer as red as earlier from embarrassment.

Colle closed the door behind them, walking over to his bed and pulling the covers down on the other side, motioning Seer over to which they followed.

"Do you need help being tucked in?"

Colle clearly had a joking tone in his voice as he asked the question and Seer just shot him a glare in response, getting into bed and pulling the blankets over themself, facing towards the wall and not where Colle would be sleeping.

The red coloured Steve just laughed a bit, walking over to his side of the bed and getting in, repeating the same process as Seer had and facing towards the opposite wall.

"I hate you."

Colle barely could hear what the other had said, as it was said in a whisper, but he still smiled a bit to the statement from his friend.

"Which is why you're in my bed."

The Red Steve could feel the bed shift as Seer rolled over onto their other side, facing towards Colle.

"Just be quiet and go to sleep Seer."

Silence filled the room for a few moments besides the ticking of the clock and slight wind outside their house.

Eventually, Colle heard the faint sound of Seer's breathing becoming even and steady, signalling they had fallen asleep.

Colle smiled softly, looking up at the clock and reading the time just before letting his drowsiness take over him, falling asleep to the sound of the faint ticking of the clock.

The time on the clock read 4:21 am.


I love having motivation to write guys.

Anyways, thoughts?


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