Why? | 🟠💔

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Oh boy, it's more angst time:)

Takes place in Rainbow Quest: Aftermath, "M has mentally lost all hope" edition

TWs: Attempted suicide, suicide, blood (except it's mentioned to be light blue) , just death in general

M and Goggles are still brothers in this AU, because yes

Dimension hoppers Sabre and Hypno Steve my beloveds

Assistant Steve is the one who blew up the lab but don't mind that

Hypno Steve still goes by they/it

I believe that's it

Enjoy! (?)


Professor Red sat against the blown up wall of his lab, plucking the strings on his guitar to the melody of Ode to Joy, slowly breathing out before exhaling a bit louder.

After the events of what happened the previous month, the lab had been reduced to ruble and even after the many attempts the Red Leader made at asking if Professor Red would like it fixed, he refused.

The lab had reminded him constantly of the countless failures he had created within it's walls, and to prevent himself from making anymore, it was safer to keep it blown up, just leaving a meer shell of what it was before.

As the professor got close to the end of Ode to Joy, a Red Steve he was rather familer with, named Cherry, ran up the destroyed stairs and to the professor.

Cherry had been elected as the Red Leader's new apprentice, after Professor Red stepped down from the position, following the events of his lab being exploded.

"Professor!- P-Professor!"

The one's title had beem being called down the stair case, placing his gutair against the wall of his lab before standing up, dusting his pants off before almost being tackled by Cherry with how close they got.

"Yes appreciate? Is something wrong?"

The apprentice seemed completely out of breath, like they had just ran from far away to come to Professor Red, which worried him, along with the fact Cherry was on the verge of tears as well.

"I-It's the Leader! I - I don't know what happened but he's n-not talking to me and I-I can't stop him-"

Professor Red froze momentarily, remembering the last time something along these lines had happened.


"Hey Leader, I was wondering if you happened to know where-"

Professor Red just got down closing the door to the Red Leader's house on the outskirts of the kingdom when he witnessed him struggling to tie what he could only presume was a noose.

The professor froze in shock, noticing the hook poking out of the ceiling and the Red Leader's stance, positioned on a chair standing up, just under said hook.


The Red Leader froze, turning around and spotting Professor Red at the door, who's hand had still been holding onto the door knob.

They locked eye contact for a moment, though for Professor Red everything seemed to be blurred together, his eyes watering up in tears.

There was complete silence for an uncomfortable amount of time before finally the professor ran over, dragged the Leader off the chair and hugged him tightly.

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