The Elites Reunion | 🟠💚

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Hi there, been a moment hasn't it?

TW - Mentions of death, murder

Takes place in, well, you'll see.

Written by ; Ezra :)

Have fun.


The silence was deafening, not even the fire emitting from the torches made a noise anymore, though I suppose the fire never made a noise to begin with, it had always been quiet here.

I preferred the quiet though, it was more peaceful.

The only time I did not prefer the quiet was when the visitors were here, my dear friends...

I wonder how they are now, I think to myself, as there is no one here to share my thoughts with, I wonder what journeys they have had together.

The last I saw of them, they seemed well, however that was also quite some time ago now, and since then, the others within this endless maze have moved on, their fate was finally decided by our creator, I guess, leaving me trapped within these catacombs for all of eternity.

I am unsure as to why I was never allowed to move on, why my spirit has been trapped within these walls, within this forever tomb, but I cannot be one to argue or complain, my time has ended, and this is where I am left to rest.

I do miss my dear friends though, not just the travellers, but my past friends.

The past elites.

I wonder how they are now...

Well, I suppose that is a bit of a self-answering question, since I know how they are, or at least, I have an idea as to how they all are.

Sharp gained the curse of endless knowledge, forever sealed within that library of his in the desert, the old academy that he set up for the Desert Steves. I wonder if he ever gets visitors like I did. I told the heroes about the library, so maybe they will be able to contact him soon, if they have not already.

Beef...fell down a much darker path, and I had to watch him struggle for control the entire time.

I just wish you could have fought a little harder, my dear soldier.

The same goes for Spark, the poor kid...he was so new to the elite position, and it was instantly ripped away from him because of what happened, but he always kept that light on inside him, he kept pushing.

He wanted to be just like you, Colle, and so when you came back as the Rainbow hero, I suppose that is what triggered his dark path, alongside the less severe infection that he had.

And as for my dear collector, Colle, I am unsure of where you went, I am hoping you made it safely to the World Beyond though, my friend.

As I remember more about my past, more about the memories I shared with the elites before they disbanded due to...certain circumstances, I heard the flashes and striking of lightning sounding from within these endless halls.

It startles me. I have not heard a sound like it in so long that it scares me at first, but then a sudden rush of joy rushes over me.

Someone has come to visit!

I stood idly by in the room that the Rainbow hero had repaired for me such a long time ago and waited, not facing the entrance to the room so I could have a sort of dramatic introduction to whoever my visitor was.

Soon, the sound of footsteps approaching became clearer and before long, they stopped, showing that whoever my visitor was had arrived outside the room.

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