Cuddle Me >:( | 🟠

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No TWs for once, which is rather rare, just some wholesome fluff.

Takes place in Rainbow Quest Aftermath.

Inspired by and sorta requested by someone who idk if they want to be named but you know who you are. (You guys do know you're allowed to request things right-?)

Ships included in this are Professor Red and Hypno Steve.

Hypno Steve is mentioned to have a god-complex.

Hypno Steve goes by they/it.

Assistant Steve goes by they/them.

There are a few Steve Legends references here and there.

Other than that, enjoy!


Professor Red sorted through his tool box, locating different tools and pulling them out, occasionally looking back at his blueprints that were laid out across the table infront of him.

He heard the door to the room he was in open and turned his head towards said door, seeing his assistant, Assistant Steve, walking into the room with a bag slung across their shoulder.

"Is that the metal Assistant Steve?"

"Of course it is, Professor Red."

Professor Red forced himself not to sigh as Assistant Steve's sassy remark.

Assistant Steve placed the bag onto the table, untying the knot at the top and scanning over the blueprints before looking over at Professor Red and back at the metal.

"If you're planning on putting this in every kingdom, we're going to have to get so much more metal."

Professor Red looked over at Assistant Steve, staring at them in both annoyance and disappointment.

"This is a prototype version, I'm having the leader show it off in Wednesday's meeting and get the other leaders opinions."

A hum emitted from Assistant Steve, specifically seeing to be out of intrest or understanding.

"Well, do you need any other assistance with this or am I allowed to leave and go back to charging?"

Professor Red looked over the blueprints, the between the tools and metals before nodding.

"You may return to your charging station, thank you Assistant Steve."

The robot nodded, walking out of the room and closing the door behind them.

Professor Red sighed, rubbing his eyes a bit and attempting at shaking off the drowsiness that slowly started overtaking him.

The Professor had been awake for the past three days, running on only his will to finish these prototypes and the possibility of his lover, Hypno Steve, coming to visit.

That, of course, had yet to happen, but Professor Red was hopeful, at least he wanted to be. It has been a week and a half since they spent time together and in all honesty, it worried the professor.

He thought he may of done something wrong and angered the easily angered, god complexed Steve, or even worse, made them not want to come anywhere near Professor Red.

These thoughts were suppressed rather easily, as they always had been, and he went back to tiredly working on the prototype, pulling different metals and redstone materials out of the bag Assistant Steve had brought him.

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