The Conversations. (SM AU) | ⭐🟠

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Chapter 3 (technically 6) of the Stolen Memories AU, created by yours truly and TrulyJustMiraculous

No TWs, I think. Okay minus mentioned death.

You can figure out the ships in this.

Shadow Sabre goes by they/them

Besides that, enjoy!


Hypno Steve came back from checking through yet another Rainbow Quest realm, one of the last ones it had to check through before they could proceed towards the Steve Legends dimensions, sighing.

Searching through all of those dimensions was tiring, mentally and physically on the Steve, even if they weren't to admit it, they had to keep searching, no matter what.

Hypno Steve let out a sigh, summoning it's notepad where they had written down every possible Rainbow Quest and Steve Legends dimension this new version of Vee could've gone into, crossing out one of the final Rainbow Quest ones.

The notepad disappeared moments afterwards as Hypno Steve walked towards the next portal in numerical order, shaking their head and trying to ignore their ability to function slowly starting to drain from them.

Along with the mix between losing energy to continue traveling throughout dimensions and slowly losing hope it'll ever find Vee, Hypno Steve could feel the pull of the darkness trying to pull them further in.

The darkness usually did this when the Steve was at it's lowest point, but now it seemed like it was stronger than ever, which was worrying to say the least.

However, Hypno Steve could not stop now, for they did not known how much time had passed in whatever timeline memory erased Vee had been sent to, it could've been years for all Hypno Steve would've known.

Eventually, they reached the next portal on their list, taking a deep breath before stepping in, feeling the lightning striking down onto them and getting teleported into the dimension, hoping this would be the last dimension they had to go into.

Instead of ending up in yet another Rainbow Quest realm, Hypno Steve ended up in a realm similar to the dark space, however there was no tables around.

It was pure darkness, the Steve could never see a single thing no matter where they looked, and soon they realised it was inside of the darkness, not just somewhere that had no colour or light.

"You see the consequences to your actions Hypno?"

Hypno Steve turned around quickly at hearing whoerver just spoke, spotting a Red Steve standing there, their magenta coloured eyes staring up at the other.


The Red Steve smiled, walking around to the other side of Hypno Steve and standing in front of them, humming quietly to themself while Hypno Steve turned to look at the other.

"We've never properly met, have we Hypno? Well, I suppose we have, seeing as we are one in the same."

Hypno Steve clenched their fist, locking eye contact with the other.


The Red Steve, Ruby, laughed quietly, bowing slightly towards Hypno Steve.

"That would be me, Hypno Steve."


"You have to be cheating."

Sabre looked over at his shadow counterpart, who seemed practically dumbfounded that the player had won practically every round of Uno they had played in the past while.

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