I got lost but I found you | 🟠

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Welcome to backstory with Purple

TWs - Brief mention of blood and being cut (by a berry bush specifically)

Takes place a year after Void Steve was 'created'

That's about it, so



Orange Steve walked around a dense forest, barely any space between the trees and the sun not making it through to the ground, so very minimum plant life coated the ground.

His hands moved around each other, creating a torch from his powers and holding it out in front of himself using his left hand, for heat as it was rather cold and dark in the forest.

His right arm wrapped around himself, regretting not grabbing a jacket from his house or when he was over at his friend's house.

Orange Steve sighed, walking forward and looking around a bit, trying to get a baring of his surroundings as he tried to figure out his way out after getting lost.

In the near distance, the Steve heard a faint oink from a pig, sounding to be in pain, and as Orange Steve was a caretaker of pigs, he almost instinctively went towards it.

After a few minutes of walking in the direction he assumed the pig was in, he spotted a clearly scared pig with their foot stuck in a berry bush, said foot being cut up with thorns.

Orange Steve went over quickly and sat down infront of them, placing the torch onto the ground, and placing his hands on either side of the pigs head.

"Hey, hey buddy, hey, please stop struggling, it'll make it worse."

The Steve didn't expect much to come out of what he said, but to his surprise the pig stopped struggled against the bush, oinking in pain and tilting it's head up to look at Orange Steve.

Orange Steve gave the pig a sad smile before moving over to the bush, pulling it out from the ground before getting to work on carefully removing the throns that were stuck inside the pigs leg, each thorn being removed causing the pig to oink in pain once more.

After a painstakingly long 15 minutes, for both the Steve and pig, the throns were all removed, and in response the pig jumped up into Orange Steve's arms.

The orange coloured Steve laughed a bit, picking a berry off the bush and holding it infront of the pig's mouth, who happily ate it off his hand.

Orange Steve was aware what berries were safe to eat, having grown up basically in a village of gardeners and explorers.

He slowly stood up, picking the torch back up with his left hand and holding the pig close, going back to walking and trying to find the exit.


Eventually, after a long time of walking, so long in fact that the pig Orange Steve had been carrying had fallen asleep, he finally found the exit to forest and was back in an open field, which was located just east of his village.

He knew this because this was where he and his Red Steve friend hung out a lot, in secret of course, as no one was aware of the Red Steve's being alive after the brutal attack by Void Steve a year back.

Orange Steve continued walking however, eventually getting to his house on the far outskirts of the village, where he spent a lot of time caring to pigs and hanging out with the Red Steve.

He carried the pig inside of his house, setting them down gently on a carpet in the living room, noticing the amount of blood on his shirt from failing to wrap the bandana he had around the pig's leg fully.

The Steve sighed, going upstairs for a few minutes before coming back downstairs with a different shirt on and an assortment of medical supplies to treat wounds from being infected.

Orange Steve sat down on the floor next to the pig, spraying a washcloth in water and rubbing it against their leg, watching as their leg twitched back and forth.

He laughed quietly from the reaction, gently putting the washcloth on the ground and grabbing another one, this time spraying a disinfectant spray on it and repeating the same process.

After a few moments of this, he then grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around their leg, carefully making sure it covered the cuts just perfectly.

Orange Steve smiled to himself, getting up and putting the things back upstairs before retuening downstairs once more, gently picking the pig up and sitting down on the couch.

He gently ran his hand over the pig, feeling their stomach rise up and down slowly.

The next day, after the both had waken up, Orange Steve took the pig outside to the others and allowed them to interact, standing in the doorway and watching from afar.

Later on in that same day, the Red Steve that Orange Steve was friends with came over, having their normal conversation before Orange Steve took Red Steve out to the area where the pigs were and pointing out the new one with the bandage on their leg.

"Oh, I'm assuming you found that one in the middle of the woods? Like you did with all of the others except Nicholas, who I found for you."

Orange Steve laughed at the comment, but nodded on Red Steve's direction.

"Yeah, I did, I also found out he's a boy, but I haven't came up with a good name yet."

Red Steve hummed in interest, placing his hand behind his neck and looking over at the new pig.

"What about Gerald?"


And done, boom



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