I thought you were a chicken | Part 2 | 🟦

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There are no TWs for once:)

Takes place in Steve Saga Origins / Steve Saga's Spirit World.

This is kinda short, just wanted to write my ship because my ship.

Ships included are SSO Rainbow Steve, SSO Purple Steve and SSO Blue Steve.

This is wholesome, woah, I know, Purple doing something completely wholesome

SoulLinkedAU, similar to the previous chapter, but more SoulmateAU now.

Other than that, enjoy!


"It's really not that hard Rainbow Steve-"

"Yeah but you've supposedly been here longer and know the way around this place better!"

Purple Steve had been showing Rainbow Steve the different locations around the Spirit World, pointing things out and naming then out.

Seeing as Rainbow Steve always struggled with landmarks and being in a new world where he had his full memories, that didn't help any.

However, next to Rainbow Steve's inability to remember landmarks, neither noticed the Steve that had been following them around for practically miles at this point.

Said Steve happened to Blue Steve, the same Blue Steve that followed Rainbow Steve around on his adventure and eventually was destroyed by Nightmare Steve.

He was just waiting for a good opportunity to get infront of them and surprise both, as he just recently got access to the Spirit World after being stuck in the Spiritless World with Light Steve.

And right now seemed like a perfect opportunity.

Blue Steve ran through the forest next to them, standing on the other side of the forest Purple Steve and Rainbow Steve were just about to enter, standing in their line of sight.

Both the rainbow coloured steve and the purple coloured Steve stop as they see a blue blur run through the forest.

Rainbow Steve looked down at his wrist then towards the forest, already having a red string attached to Purple Steve but now seeing a red string be attached to somewhere in the forest, making his eyes light up as he looks over at Purple Steve, who seemed to be experiencing the same thing.

Rainbow Steve was the first person to dart over to the forest, eventually spotting Blue Steve and running full speed at him, tackling him to the ground and having his arms around him tightly.

Purple Steve wasn't too far behind, sititng down on the grass right next to them as Blue Steve was sorta in shock but also had hugged Rainbow Steve back tightly.

Rainbow Steve leans down, kissing Blue Steve softly and putting his fingers in his hair. Blue Steve almost immediately kissed back, hands wrapping around his waist and he moved them to sitting.

Purple Steve sat there, smiling softly and just being incredibly flustered. His soul linked partners were kissing with him there, why wouldn't he be flustered.

Rainbow Steve eventually pulls away to breathe, blushing yet smiling happily, tears seemingly having been in his eyes.

Purple Steve moves closer, wrapping his arms around Blue Steve's chest as Rainbow Steve laid on Blue Steve's shoulder.

This caused Blue Steve to become the flustered one but he grinned, playing with Rainbow Steve's hair gently as he looked over at Purple Steve, who had been sorta staring him up and down.

"You looking for something Purple Steve?"

"Yeah, mainly just more reasons to find you attractive, need to add to my list."

Blue Steve choked slightly, his face heating up more as Purple Steve smiled in his direction, placing his hand on his cheek gently.

"I'll figure out a way to do it though, starting with this."

Purple Steve leans forward, kissing him softly and closing his eyes. Blue Steve kisses back, moving one of his arms to around Purple Steve's waist with his other still playing with Rainbow Steve's hair, who was presumingly asleep.

They both pulled back about a minute later, panting a bit for air but smiling, both also completely flustered.

"I love you, orchid."

Blue Steve smiles at the nickname, leaning his head against Purple Steve's chest.

"I love you too, lilac."




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