The Suit Parlor In Another Timeline | 🟠

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There are no TWs in this chapter, once more just wholesome fluff.

This was requested by blossom_fanfics :>.

Ships included (well mentioned) in this are Elemental Steve and Rainbow Steve. There is hinted at Time Steve, Sabre, and M.

Takes place in the realm of time, aka sorta Rainbow Quest and sorta Steve Legends.

Desert Steve how dare you break my fourth wall you prick.

Other than that, enjoy!


Time Steve and Elemental Steve sat in the Time Dimension, Time Steve reading out The Art of War to his twin with the other listening intently, seemingly interested in the book.

This was one of the first times the siblings got to bond after Elemental Steve had been revived, however there was a small secret that Time Steve nor even Elemental Steve had known about.

Not only had Elemental Steve been revived out of the Spirit World, Elemental Steve's boyfriend, Rainbow Steve, had also been revived, and was currently with the Orange Steve's in the Orange Kingdom.

Not only was Rainbow Steve back however, Galaxy Steve had also been revived.

Not a single person was aware of Galaxy Steve's revival, except Indigo Steve and Blue Steve, so it was a planned surprise to the twins.

"Therefore, in chariot fighting, when ten or more chariots have been taken, those should be rewarded who took the first. Our own flags should be substituted for those of the enemy, and the chariots-"

Time Steve's reading was cut off by the sound of lightning, both things looking up and over around the Time Dimension.

They both soon realized the lightning was striking the portal.

"That- isn't supposed to be possible."

Elemental Steve nodded in agreement.

As this dimension was created by Galaxy Steve for Time Steve, no one should've been able to open up the connection to the portal without Time Steve's agreed connection.

"The only people that should be able to open that portal without you are me and Galaxy Steve but-"

Both paused, the portal having opened and a figure emerging from the portal.

The person who came out of the portal looked around the hub, fluffling up their galaxy patterned hair a bit.

Time Steve and Elemental Steve exchanged a look before Elemental Steve quickly stood up, running over to the other Steve in the dimension and tackling them into a hug.


The other Steve's eyes looked at Elemental Steve before smiling softly, the dimensional Steve looking slightly up, their golden yellow eyes meeting.

Time Steve stood up, placing the book back on his control panel and running over to them, hugging the other Steve as well.

"How are my favourite sons doing?"

Time Steve laughed, holding onto Galaxy Steve tightly.

"I didn't know you got revived with my dad!"

The galaxy themed Steve smiled, patting Elemental Steve on the head gently.

"I wasn't revived with you per say. I was revived with Rainbow Steve."

Both of the twins eyes lit up at the mention of Rainbow Steve's name, Elemental Steve's more than Time Steve's.

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