The Darkness. (SM AU) | ⭐🟠

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Welcome to chapter 4 (7? counting Vee's) of the Stolen Memories AU, created by a series of roleplays and chapters by TrulyJustMiraculous and myself.

No major TWs besides like, blaming oneself, I guess

You guys know the pronouns of these characters by now and if you don't, not my problem /lh

But besides that,



Hypno Steve stared down infront of them at Ruby, the former Red Leader who Hypno Steve embodied after Elemental Steve's attack.

"I've seen what you've been doing Hypno, and I must say, you've got some guts."

Ruby hummed his sentence, smiling towards the Steve for a quick second before letting the smile fall as it turned into a more serious look.

Hypno Steve took a step back, uncomfortable with how close the two Steve's were.

"What're you trying to get at?"

The two locked eye contact once again, Hypno Steve feeling the darkness backing down a bit, even while the both of them were physically in the darkness.

"I'm impressed, you've managed to screw everything up faster than See- Void Steve, managed to."

Hypno Steve clenched their fists, a sly smile on Ruby's face that the other wanted to clap off his face, knowing they couldn't however because Ruby wasn't real.

"Not only did you lose your closest friend to miscommunication and ignorance, but you also let our timeline fall to your own actions of leaving the timeline with Sabre."

The corrupted Steve slowed breathed in, shaking their head.

"If you had just stayed in the timeline with the Steve's, things wouldn't of been screwed over. Time Steve wouldn't of been destroyed, my apprentice would still have some hope things would be alright, Professor Red would be safe, the timeline-"

"OK - OKAY, I G - GET IT!"

Hypno Steve finally snapped, not even noticing as the darkness infection spread through their right hand.

Ruby hummed out of interest, laughing quietly.

"Wh - Why are you laughing?"

The former Red Leader sighed calmly, his eyes looking into Hypno Steve's.

"Maybe, if you hadn't done this, you and that Vee person would still be close, if not closer."

That was the final straw for Hypno Steve.

Even knowing they couldn't affect the Red Leader here, they snapped, throwing a punch in his direction which only went through Ruby, causing his appearance to become distorted momentarily.

The continued punches only got increasingly more forceful as the darkness became more apparent it was trying to take a hold on the Steve, and once they realised that, all motions stopped.

Hypno Steve stared down at where Ruby was, noticing that he was now gone and they were alone again, in this endless pit of darkness with nothing but their own thoughts and feelings to slowly corrupt them.

What soon dawned on the Steve was possibly scarier than knowing they may never find the person they hold so closely to their heart.

The darkness was something that couldn't, and shouldn't, be escaped from once in too deep, especially by any entity that already had been corrupted by something equal or worse to the darkness previously.

And knowing Hypno Steve's luck, they were too far deep into the darkness to even think about a way out without needing to somehow get a shadows help or Void Steve's help, neither of which they were too keen on doing, especially not the latter.

This was it, there was nothing left that Hypno Steve could do.

They would just have to wait to be overcome by the darkness, with the knowing thought in the back of their head that if they had just accepted their own feelings and in turn accepted Vee's, things would be different.

But now, stuck inside the darkness, it didn't matter, it was all over for the Steve.

Hypno Steve had accepted the darkness, that is, until they heard someone yell out their name, except it wasn't their name that was beinh yelled, it was in fact one of nicknames Vee had given them.

This caused the darkness to retract at feeling Hypno Steve suddenly start fighting back against it, the Steve turning and spotting the player they had been searching for.


Hypno Steve ran towards the player, who just watched as they did, a small smile on her face and holding her hand out.

As soon as the Steve reached Vee and was about to hug her, to apologise for not accepting her feelings, to make amends and make things right, she had faded into the darkness, the same way Ruby had.

Hypno Steve had stopped running by this point, staring at where Vee had been moments prior and sighing quietly.

However, with this, Hypno Steve had remembered what their original goal had been, and the hold the darkness had on the Steve lifted to what it normally was at, allowing the Steve to exit the realm between realms and enter the next Rainbow Quest timeline.

Hypno Steve took a breath as soon as they felt wind blow against them, looking around and standing up, having been knocked down by the blunt force of exiting the darkness.

They felt something dangling around their neck and when it looked down, it saw some form of crystal hanging from a necklace, tilting their head in confusion and taking the crystal into their hand.

The crystal's energy felt incredibly similar to that of their own energy, and it's colours matched those of their own theme.

Hypno Steve only could therefore assume this was a timeline where whatever porition of them existed in here was turned into a crystal, which they found rather humorous.

The only thing now is who turned them into a crystal, as there was really only three ways a crystal could be created.

So much energy was fused together that it condensed into one, a Steve sacrificed themself or part of their energy, if strong enough, to become it, or it became created from two or more crystals.

None of which seemed completely possible, but whatever, one of them was bound to be the reason behind it.

As Hypno Steve walked forward, they noticed they were in the Orange Kingdom, even if every other time they entered into a Rainbow Quest timeline they ended up in the Red Kingdom.

However immediately, they realised the entire kingdom had been corrupted by darkness, the bedrock and blue fire making it apparent that this was done by one Steve and one Steve only.

As if on cue, a blue themed Steve landed infront of the corrupted Steve, looking up at them as the Blue Steve's red coloured eyes widen in a mixture of shock, anger, and confusion.

"How the hell are you here!?"


Next chapter is a crossover chapter 👀👀👀👀👀????

But either way



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