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Have a chapter after literally 2 months.

TWs - Character death :)

Takes place in Rainbow Quest: Aftermath

Rainbow Steve + Elemental Steve were revived

Why does Void Steve never die?

Hypno Steve goes by They/It

Void Steve / Seer goes by They/Them

Brief mentions of Hypno and Goggles being engaged, same with Sabre, M and Time

I believe that's all



It was just past noon in the Steve Realm. Sabre, Time Steve, and the Red Leader were at a café in the Orange Steve's kingdom alongside Hypno Steve, and Professor Red.

This was mainly a meeting between the two Red Leaders, however it was also considered a double date between the two engaged couples.

Just outside, Elemental Steve and Rainbow Steve had been sitting by a fountain, talking with some of the Orange Steve's in the kingdom while holding hands, clearly lost in conversation with each other and the other Steve's.

It was peaceful.

After the war against the First Curse and Sabre's deny of Origin Steve's request to go into a new timeline, things started picking up the pace again.

Kingdom's were thriving, Steve's were happy, it had been awhile since the Realm was at such peace.

With the darkness being held somewhere safe while also combating the Demon Steve's to keep them away, there was nothing for any of the Steve's in the overworld, middle world, or world beyond to worry about.

Until tragedy came literally knocking on the door.

A Blue Steve wandered into the kingdom, seemingly completely out of place in an area of mainly orange coloured Steve's.

Rainbow Steve was the first one to really notice something was off with them, as he felt a rather strong pull to them, as if he, or the energy of the crystals he was made of, were drawn towards them.

Elemental Steve took quick note of this and placed his hand on Rainbow Steve's shoulder, however retracting his hand quickly when he felt how hot his shoulder was to the touch.

While Elemental Steve had a very high heat and cold resilience, for being the literal controller of the elements, this was something different.

The Blue Steve looked over in the direction of Rainbow Steve, almost as if they felt the same pull he did, but instead of holding eye contact, they turned and went into the café.

Out of reflex, Sabre and Professor Red both looked over at the door after hearing the small bell it was attached to ding, Sabre getting elbowed by M who had an expression basically saying 'stop staring.'

"Do you guys sense that?"

Time Steve had said in barely a whisper, earning a look from the others at the table.

"Yeah, it's odd."

Hypno Steve reached forward, grabbed onto their glass of lemonade and taking a sip of it before putting it back down.

"Feels like a crystal's energy."

Sabre had a lot of experience handling crystals, he knew what one felt like when it was nearby.

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