I thought you were a chicken | 🟦

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TWs - No major ones, just the Rainbow bean crying

Takes place in the SSO / SS Spirit World a little bit after Rainbow Steve's destruction

Ships included are SSO Purple Steve x SSO Rainbow Steve x SSO Blue Steve (with SSO Blue Steve being mentioned towards the end)

Yes I almost called Purple Steve chicken man at the end

Light Steve and Rainbow Steve are brothers in this

First fanfic on this book where they actually show affection to each other through ✨ k i s s ✨

SoulLinkedAU! If your soul link partner dies, you will feel the after affects and may die yourself in rare cases. Having more than one soul link partner is considered rare and dangerous in some cases.

Other than, enjoy!


Rainbow Steve was set in a meadow, flowers all around him and his fingers laced in the grass, silently humming his and Blue Steve's song, Safe and Sound, as tears fell down his face.

He was in shambles, after regaining his memories from entering the Spirit World, he remembered everything from before he met Sabre and felt so many emotions overcome him at once.

So, he resorted to his and Blue Steve's song, something he had remembered vividly and that stuck out over every other happy, sad, and otherwise just painful memory he was subject to remembering.

Off in the distance, Purple Steve had been walking around the Spirit World, still trying to mentally map out the locations within it and find any landmarks that were worth remembering in order to keep himself from getting lost.

He eventually ran into the meadow, spotting the rainbow coloured Steve in the middle of all the flowers shaking, which worried Purple Steve.

He turned into his chicken form, a power he still had access to in this world, and waddled his way over to Rainbow Steve, gently pecking at his arm.

Rainbow Steve snaps out of his memory state, no longer humming either, and looking over to his right at the chicken, smiling faintly.

He picked up (Chicken, ahaha) Purple Steve and placed him in his lap, almost cuddling him. If Purple Steve had been in his Steve form, it would've been hard to distinguish him from a red Steve.

However, in the chicken form, he allowed himself to be hugged by Rainbow Steve, enjoying the feeling and happy that Rainbow Steve was calming down because of it.

"I don't-"

Rainbow Steve paused for a moment, his breathing hitching momentarily as he was sniffling still and coming out of his break down.

"I don't know why, but I always seem to attract chickens towards me."

Rainbow Steve laughs softly, ruffling up Purple Steve's feathers a bit and smiling softly.

Purple Steve smiles a bit inside, rutting his head against Rainbow Steve's hand.

"You like that? Hm, interesting. Only Purple Steve had liked it when I did that to him..when he was a chicken that is. Is he still a chicken? That would be funny-"

Rainbow Steve laughs to himself, Purple Steve continuing to rutt his head against Rainbow Steve's hand however now mentally freaking out.

"I highly doubt he'd be in the Spirit World though. Purple Steve's live a long time like Red Steve's so he probably found Professor Red and got a cure."

Rainbow Steve went back to ruffling with Purple Steve's feathers, smiling happily and seemingly more at peace and calmed down.

Purple Steve stays silent, contemplating on turning into his Steve form before mentally sighing and turning into actual Purple Steve, Rainbow Steve's hand now on his side.


Rainbow Steve looks at Purple Steve, blinking slowly.


Purple Steve laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. That's when Rainbow Steve noticed Purple Steve was sitting on his lap, one of his own hands on Purple Steve's waist, immediately causing his face to flare up.

Purple Steve also realised their position, however his face was already bright red from a number of things.

"I- Do- Should-"

Rainbow Steve stumbled over his words, having no idea what to say or how to say it. This made Purple Steve laugh, slightly amused by his inability to form a sentance.

Rainbow Steve looked off to the side, his face burning from blushing so much. Purple Steve smiles softly, placing one of his hands under Rainbow Steve's chin and making them lock eyes.

This didn't help Rainbow Steve's blushing issue, if anything making it worse.

"I- Hi- Hi Purple- Hi Purple Steve-"

Purple Steve laughs, his blush not any better than Rainbow Steve's.

"Hello my Rainbow."

Rainbow Steve holds in a scream, trying to turn his head to the side but not being able to because Purple Steve's hand under his chin wasn't allowing him too.

Rainbow Steve became immediately weak to any and all nicknames his friends had given him. 'My Rainbow' and 'Flower' were the main two, being said by mostly Purple Steve and Blue Steve, and sometimes Green Steve as a joke. This was something he had also remembered upon entering the Spirit World.

"Purple Steve-"

Rainbow Steve looks up at the purple coloured Steve, their eyes locking.

"Rainbow Steve?"

The rainbow coloured Steve took a deep breath for a short second before leaning up, pushing his lips against Purple Steve's before immediately looking off to the side and blushing harder.

Purple Steve sat there, froze in shock as his face starting burning even more from blushing, making random sounds as he tried processing what just happened.

"I'm sorry- I just had-"

Purple Steve pulls his chin forward, kissing him softly and closing his own eyes. Rainbow Steve's, on the other hand, eyes immediately widen more in shock, though slowly close as he kisses back, his arms moving up and wrapping around Purple Steve's neck to pull him down a bit.

After a minute, which seemed like a few seconds, both pulled away, Rainbow Steve panting a bit for oxygen with Purple Steve just a flustered mess.

Purple Steve smiles softly though in Rainbow Steve's direction, opening his eyes to look at him. Rainbow Steve smiles back, clinging onto Purple Steve.

"I love you, my flower."

"I love you too."


Blue Steve silently stared from afar, looking down as his wrist and at his soul link mark, expecting it to change from the rainbow flower it currently was.

And it did change. However, it didn't change to the way Blue Steve thought it would change. The rainbow flower still existed there, however next to it was a purple heart.

Blue Steve looked over at Light Steve, who's intrest seemed to have peeked.

"So, Blue Steve, seems you're soul linked to both my brother and Purple Steve now?"

Blue Steve feels his face heat up a bit, honestly not expecting to have two soul link partners, as it wasn't usually a common thing amoungst his generation of Steve's.

"I guess so, Light Steve."




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