The Ocean | Part 2 | 🟠💜

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Quick TWs! - Panic Attack throughout a large portion of this, mention of anxiety (specifically towards M's character)

Part 2 of The Ocean, if you haven't read part one yet, I would suggest doing so to have a better understanding of what's happening here.

No ships, Professor Red and M are brothers in this world

At the very end there's a Steve Legends mention.

Other than that, enjoy


It had been four days since the incident. The new Red Leader, commonly referred to as M, was arriving back to Red Kingdom after a meeting with the other Kingdom leader's.

It had been a while since he had seen his apprentice, his brother, Professor Red, starting to feel worried about him but also just assuming that he had been working effortlessly in a new project of some sorts.

However, this didn't soothe his worry, so he after returning to the Kingdom, he quickly rushed over to Professor Red's lab, unlocking the door with a spare key he was given, shutting and locking it behind him.

Walking down the spiral staircase, M couldn't help but notice the uneasy atmosphere that surrounded the place. Maybe it was just his anxiety messing with him? That's what the Leader hoped at least.

After getting down to the main lab area, M started calling out the professor's name, going through all the rooms, including the one where the Red Leader before him had been mutated into something else, however not getting any response from Professor Red.

This didn't help M's worry, at all, but tried to just assume that Professor Red had sound proofed this part of the lab and so he went down the stairs to the secondary part of the lab, where he had been held after being infected by the First Curse.

M walked around silently, this place seemed to be the source of the earlier uneasy atmosphere. But why? Why did everything feel so off suddenly?

The last time M remembered being here after he woke up from the machine, it didn't feel this uneasy, so either it was M's anxiety messing with him more or something was actually wrong.

After a bit more of searching, M stumbled across a control panel room of sorts, filled with a bunch of computers, laptops, an unconscious Professor Red, wiring that seemed to never end-


M looked back over at the unconscious Professor Red and immediately ran over to him, kneeling down and moving him against the concrete desk that sat in the middle of the computers.

It wasn't even that hard to tell that there was clear as day tear stains under his eyes and his left hand had many places where it was bleeding snd bruised, almost seeming as if he had punched a wall with that hand.

Not even bothering to think about what could've happened there, M gently placed Professor Red back down, standing up and looking around quickly.

He notices a glass of ice water sitting on another desk, the ice being mostly melted however there still being some in there, meaning Professor Red hadn't been out for too long.

This slightly eased M's worry, but not enough to calm him down and out of his next actions.

He walked over and picked the glass up, walking back over to Professor Red and sitting him up against the concrete desk again, sighing quietly.

He brough the glass closer before splashing the water and melted ice against the Professor's face.

After a few uncomfortable moments of silence, the Professor spurred a bit as he came out of his unconscious state, groaning quietly and rubbing his eyes from under his glasses.

M let's out a breath he had no idea he was holding, quickly wrapping his arms around Professor Red and pulling him against his chest.

Professor Red seemed confused a moment, trying to regain his senses. After almost a minute of silence, Professor Red looks up at the person who was holding him and almost immediately clings onto him, burying his face against M's chest.

"Are you alright Professor? You never usually miss meetings and when you do, you send Assistant Steve-"

With the mention of Assistant Steve's name, Professor Red's breathing hitches, holding onto M tighter. M feels the tighter hold, looking down at him and tilting his head to the side in confusion.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I'm so sorry-"

He continued repeating 'I'm sorry', not helping M's anxiety at all but trying his best to ignore his anxiety for a moment, pulling Professor Red closer and moving to sit in a more comfortable position for both of them.

The current Red Leader ran his hand up and down Professor Red's back slowly, putting his other hand in his hair and keeping this position for a while, allowing Professor Red to cry against him, which he had been for a awhile now.

While M was no therapist or someone that was able to give too many words of comfort, that was more of a Green Steve job, he did know how to sorta deal with panic and anxiety attacks.

Was it mainly because of times Sabre had visited him? Maybe, but that wasn't important right now. What was important right now was calming his brother down.

M looked to his right, where he had placed to glass down and noticed an ice cube cube was still in it. He picked the glass up, took the ice cube out of it, and gently moved Professor Red's head from his chest.

Professor Red was still lost in his own sobs to notice this movement, up until M put the ice cube that was in his hand into Professor Red's mouth, which quited him for a moment, still crying and his breathing still shaky.

While Professor Red quietly let the ice cube sit in his mouth, M continued rubbing his back gently. This slowly brought Professor Red out of his broken mindset, calming him down enough to where his breathing would only hitch every few seconds.

The ice cube eventually melted, though by the time that it did, Professor Red was back to laying against M's chest quietly, seemingly at peace for the first time in the past few days.

"Whenever you're ready to talk we can, for now, get some sleep Professor." M says quietly, still rubbing his back gently.

Professor Red nods slowly in agreement, closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep against M, still clinging to him.

M closed his eyes, silently teleporting both of them to his house, the one on the outskirts of the Kingdom and gently laid Professor Red on his couch, smiling softly.

"Sleep well, Goggles."


When I originally wrote this, I was thinking of killing Professor Red off not going to lie.

But thoughts?


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