The Ocean | 🟠💔

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- Arguing, Character Death, Slight Blaming of Self, Panic Attack at the end -

Professor Red and Assistant Steve's personalities have been alternated for this story.

The one ship present in this is Professor Red and The Red Leader (the one who turned into Hypno Steve) which is briefly mentioned.

This is possibly the most far off from canon one shot yet, so bare with me if you don't watch my YouTube stuff.

Other than that, proceed with caution and stay safe!


"It's not even that difficult of a thing to process Assistant Steve! I've programmed you to know this!"

"Well I apologize Professor Red! I can't seem to access that file because of the emotions you and Time Steve programmed into me!"

"That was clearly a mistake on our part now wasn't it!? It's not our fault that your internal programming became faulty and caused you to go into system overdrive which alternated you!"

"Yes it is your fault! You're the one who programmed me! You should've seen that issue before you finished me! But no, you were too busy grieving over someone, who never loved you IN THE FIRST PLACE!"


The last sentence Assistant Steve had said to their creator, Professor Red, was that the leader of the kingdom had never loved them, when they were engaged and planning to have their wedding soon.

The robot didn't know why, but after they said that, Professor Red stared directly where Assistant Steve's eyes would be if they had real ones and then turned around and ran off to a lower part of the lab.

Assistant Steve followed after him shortly, however was met with Professor Red behind a door they had no way of opening from the outside. After banging on the door a few times to no response from the male on the other side, Assistant Steve gave up and ran out of the lab all together, teleporting to a beach they had been to previously and falling over into the sand.

As the emotions Assistant Steve was just recently programmed with were still new, they could go a bit haywire at times, especially when they would experience something that normal Steve's would consider stressful or just an overflow of emotions in general.

Because of this issue, if the systems were to ever go haywire, Assistant Steve would glow a bright red and a signal would be sent to an ear piece that Professor Red used to communicate with Assistant Steve.

However, currently that ear piece was laying against the opposite wall from Professor Red as he had thrown it out of anger and just being overall distraught over the previous argument he had with his own creation.

After a silent moment on Assistant Steve's end with trying to reach out to their dad for support and to apologize for their actions, getting no response in return, they say up from the sand, pressing their fingers against the back of their neck, attempting to look for something.

What Assistant Steve happened to be looking for was their power off switch, hoping they could power themselves off and not have to deal with their programmed emotions messing with them further.

However, what they soon remembered was that Professor Red specifically put the off button in a place that was unreachable and unable to be accessed by anyone that wasn't Professor Red, Time Steve, M, or Galaxy Steve so as to not cause major damage or destruction to Assistant Steve.

Along with this, Professor Red never coded in the knowledge on how to turn Assistant Steve off into them, leaving the robot to sit there in silence, unable to manually turn themselves off.

Well, silence next to the crashing of waves against the sand and the faint hum of the robot's main cooling unit. Assistant Steve looks up to the night sky, counting the stars as they flashed every millisecond or so.

The night sky was always something that intrigued the robot, as they had once been to space, having been teleported there by Galaxy Steve. Space is also where Assistant Steve first experienced their shift between being just a robot to having emotions unexpectedly.

While they don't remember a lot about their time in space, they know they were there, and that's what counts.


Even with being a robot who is supposed to hold endless amounts of knowledge as long as their creator knows it, it seems Assistant Steve was struggling from immense memory issues, unable to remember things when they seem like they'd be important.

One of the main issues that followed with that was they constantly forgot rules that Professor Red had put in place for their own safety, which caused them to enter life threatening situations for themselves without even realising it.

And even after being pulled out of said life threatening situation, it's not like they would remember what even happened so they didn't make the mistake again. Yes Professor Red has tried to fix it, but it only seemed to make the memory worse so he never tried to fix it again.

So now Assistant Steve was alone, sitting on a beach with no recollection as to why they were sitting other than they were glowing red which meant they had experienced some type of over exposure to emotion, just didn't know which one or why.

After looking away from the sky, Assistant Steve noticed the waves crashing against the beach and focused on them almost immediately, watching as they came down onto the beach and then retracted just for another wave to come in and repeat the cycle.

Things easily caught Assistant Steve's attention, whether it be because they had nothing else to keep their mind busy or it was a mess up in their programming, either way small things always caught their eye.

Unintentionally, Assistant Steve stood up and walked up, sitting down a bit closer to the shore just to be able to look into the ocean a bit closer as they couldn't see it too well from where they were sitting previously.

As it was night time, however, high tide was present, and since Assistant Steve was so lost in their own thoughts, they didn't notice as a wave came in suddenly, pulling the robot with it.

Unable to get out in time, Assistant Steve was quickly pulled under the ocean and since they were a robot and made of metal, they sank fast.

This caused an almost immediate system override, shutting down every system except the one used to explode the core; however, that was quickly shut down as well.

Every system within less than a minute had shut down within Assistant Steve, leaving only their pain censors and main energy source to still be running.

Because of this massive shut down in systems, many alarms started going off in Professor Red's lab, which caused him to finally pick up the earpiece and run out of the room to see what was happening.

It didn't take him too long to figure out what had happened, only increasing his earlier panic more as he couldn't figure out a way to get to Assistant Steve fast enough with all their power sources down and no way to track their location as they had the teleporter.

With no hope as to what to do next, Professor Red lets out a hesitant sigh and shuts down the remaining energy source that was keeping Assistant Steve alive, not wanting them to be in constant pain any further than need be.

After shutting that down, Professor Red fell to his knees, letting out a pained sob and hugging himself tightly, his breathing hitchening over itself as he shook almost uncontrollably.

He just let Assistant Steve die.

He just let his creation die..

Professor Red just let his own kid drown to death after one argument.

This thought didn't help Professor Red's worsening state at all, if anything making it worse as he started grasping at the sides of his chest, unable to breathe properly anymore because of his sobs for help, for sympathy, for just something to be different.

But nothing would change.

There was nothing to be done now.


So? Thoughts?


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