Chapter 5

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"So who do you want me to start off with." Peter said, causing me to shrug my shoulders. "I don't really know. How about your mate? I remember you saying a name. I think it was Pietro or something like that." I said as I opened my lunchbox.

I had only packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some homemade sweet tea. I didn't have a lot of money for extra food.

"We can start with Pietro." Peter said with a blush as he pulled out all sorts of snacks and food from his bag, but stopped when he realized my lack of food.

"Is that all you have to eat love." Peter said with a worried look as he eyes my sandwich in worry causing me to blush in embarrassment.

"Yes, I'm not that hungry." I lied, but Peter didn't buy it. "Good thing Pietro packs my lunch. He always packs way more than I need." Peter said as he began dividing his food and putting some in front of me.

"Peter no it's okay, you don't need to be giving me any of your food." I said, trying to give Peter his food back, but he only ignored me.

"What's mine is yours love. I can't have my baby starving, nope not going to happen not while i'm alive." Peter said as he bit into one of his sandwiches.

"This will be the only time I promise. My budgets just a little small after moving." I said, trying to hide my embarrassment. "You will never have to worry about that anymore love. I promise." Peter said, giving me a cute smile.

"So tell me about Pietro." I said as I unwrapped the delicious looking sandwich Peter gave me.

"Well Pietro is 26, he is well built and taller than me. He's dominant but sweet. He's from Sokovia, and he has a sexy accent. He also has a twin sister Wanda. They both were tested on by hydra and got crazy powers." Peter said as he finished his first sandwich and quickly moved onto his second one.

I slightly nodded taking in the information before biting into the sandwich Peter gave me, it was very good. "So what powers does he have? What powers do you have? How did you to meet?" I asked, causing Peter to laugh.

"Mr. Stark threw me a 16th birthday party, and he asked me if I wanted any cake. That was also the day I found out I shared a mate with the avengers. One of the best day of my life." Peter said with a dreamy sigh causing me to laugh. "Pietro has super speed, and me being Spider-Man I shoot webs and swing from buildings." Peter said causing me to nod and smile. "That's really cool." I said causing Peter to blush.

"Ok what about Wanda?" I asked as Peter brought a cookie to my lips making me blush and bite into it. Peter locked eyes with me as he smirked and shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth causing me to blush again and laugh.

"Wanda is mated to Loki Laufeyson or Odinson I'm not to sure. I don't know much about how they meet but I do know that Loki will probably be one of the more controlling and possessive mates." Peter said, causing me to stare at him in shock. "You mean Loki the god of mischief, the one who tried to take over New York." I said still not believing him. "Yep, he's good now though. He actually likes to play video games with me and Thor. Thor is the god of thunder and Loki is his adopted brother." Peter said with a laugh causing me to smile.

"Okay now who's Thor's mate?" I said as I began to drink some of my sweet tea. "That would be Bruce Banner aka the hulk." Peter said as he tensed a little. "He's a really nice guy, and he's really submissive. His hulk form just scares me a little bit. But I swear he would never hurt you." Peter said, causing me to relax. "Alright who's next, oh yea there's Steve Rodgers, James Bucky Barnes, and Sam Wilson. Sam and Bucky don't like me very much." Peter said with a chuckle causing me to laugh.

"Why?" I asked as I tried to sneak food back into Peter's bag but he caught me. "They thought they could beat me in a sparring match when I first got there. They were wrong." Peter said with a light blush on his face causing me to look at him proudly. "Then there's Nat and Clint,both of them are assassins and very serious. And then there is Tony and his mate Stephen who I know nothing about besides he makes portals and does something with time I think." Peter said before he began counting his fingers to make sure he got everyone.

" So let me see if I remember correctly, you are mated to Pietro and his twin sister is Wanda, who is mated to Loki the god of mischief who is the adopted brother of Thor. Thor is mated to Bruce Banner who is the Hulk too. Tony Stark is mated to Stephen. Then there's Clint who is mated to Natasha. Steve is mated to Sam Wilson and James Barnes aka Bucky and I am mated to all of you." I said while counting my fingers like Peter did to make sure I got everyone.

Peter laughed and took my hand. "Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat and Clint are all on a mission and won't be back till tomorrow, and Thor and Loki are in Asgard till Wednesday." I nodded my head processing all of the information I have learned in the last half an hour.

"So that means you, Pietro, Tony, Stephan, Bruce and Wanda are home." I said causing Peter to nod his head, as he finished up his second sandwich.

"So if you come to the tower with me after school you can meet half of your soul mates today and I can rub it into their faces that I found you first." Peter said, flexing his arms and flashing me a big smile.

I pushed him lightly before taking a drink of my sweet tea, but Peter took it out of my hand and took a drink quickly after. "Already comfortable around me Parker." I said teasingly, causing him to laugh.

"You're amazing and sweet, how can I not be comfortable around you. Your so easy to talk to and you already care about me. You don't know how hard it is not to kiss you right now." Peter said, as he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

I looked up at Peter and slowly moved closer to him, before resting my hand on his thigh making him shiver.

"Kiss me." I said, making him smile. Peter placed his hand on my check before pulling my face closer to his. Just as our lips were about to touch the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

Peter cussed under his breath as he leaned his forehead against mine. "That bell sucks." Peter said with a whine causing me to giggle. "I will come to your room after school and we can head over to the tower. If that's what you want love." Peter said, giving me butterflies.

"That would be great love, thank you for talking to me about everything, and the food. Your to sweet to me Peter Parker." I said with a soft smile on my face. Peter smiled and whispered a soft your welcome before heading to the door.

Just as Peter was about to open the door, I spun him around and pulled his lips to mine. He melted into the kiss as he dropped his bag and pulled me closer. The kiss was amazing, it was filled with passion and love, and I couldn't imagine a better first kiss.

Peter pulled me even closer to him before ending the kiss and resting our foreheads together. "Have a good rest of your day love, I will see you soon." I said, making Peter sigh as he reluctantly let me go and grab his bag.

"Not soon enough." Peter said, giving me a dazed look as he walked out the door with a goofy smile on his face.

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