Chapter 47

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"We can take Tony's red mustang." Peter said happily, causing me to smile. "Are we aloud to." I asked, causing Peter to blush. "No but you can never get in trouble." Peter said, causing Pietro to chuckle. "He's right." Pietro laughed, causing me to smile. "Alright but how do I get the keys." I asked as I placed everyone's cinnamon rolls into containers and labeled them so no one steals someone else's. "I have the keys Tony let us drive it to shield yesterday." Peter said before Pietro zooming out of the room and coming back a minute later with a set of keys.

"Alright then you ready love." I asked Peter, causing him to nod. Peter grabbed a packed lunch and put his other cinnamon roll in his bag causing me to giggle. "Are you going to come?" I asked Pietro, causing him to shake his head. "No love it's only a two seater plus i'm meeting Clint in the gym in an a half hour to train. I will see you when you get back though. Love you guys, you both be safe." Pietro said as he kissed my cheek and handed me the keys before giving Peter a kiss. "By love see you when I get home." Peter exclaimed happily, causing Pietro to laugh. Peter walked me to the elevator after I grabbed my phone and the car keys as Pietro walked into the living room.

"Thank you for waking up to be with me, you don't have to, you know." Peter said as he pulled me into his side. "I know but I wanted to." I said as we arrived into the parking garage. "So where is this beauty?" I asked, causing Peter to smile and pull me over to a dark cherry red mustang. "Alright I'm in love." I gushed as I smiled at the car, it was awesome. "I can drive if you want." Peter teased, causing me to smirk. "Sorry baby but I'm driving." I smiled at him as he smiled back. Peter quickly got into the car causing me to quickly follow.

The inside was beautiful, I had to sell my car before I moved and I just realized how much I missed driving. I quickly buckled my seat belt and made sure Peter had his on too. I fixed the seat and the mirrors before turning the car on and pulling out of the garage. "You drive really well, Pietro scares me; he always goes over the speed limit." Peter sighed out as he relaxed into the seat.

"Trust me love I can speed but I have to take care of my baby." I said as I sent Peter a wink causing him to blush. "I like you driving me." Peter said as he placed a hand on my thigh causing me to shudder. "If I distract you, please let me know." Peter said, causing me to smile. "Your good my love I love when you guys always touch me." I said, causing Peter to smirk. "Well guess what, we love touching you." Peter teased, causing me to blush.

I soon pulled up to Peter's school and turned to him. "I don't want to go." Peter pouted, causing me to pull him into a hug. "You have to love, you can text me whenever you want and If you need me I will be there in a heartbeat." I said as I kissed Peter on the lips causing him to deepen it. 

When Peter pulled away he kissed my forehead causing me to giggle. "If you don't want to head back home right away, I know Steve and them run at the park down the street." Peter said, causing me to laugh. "Thank you for the information, love." I said giving Peter one more kiss before he grabbed his bag and reluctantly left and headed up to the front of the school. Peter stopped at the front of the door and blew me a kiss before he walked into the building. 

Once Peter was out of view I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way to the park Peter had told me about. I quickly spotted Steve's truck and pulled in next to it. It was a beautiful park and there was barely anyone out today. I stepped out of the car and locked it before looking around. I could feel the mark on my left hip tingle meaning they were around here somewhere. I just had to find out where. I walked further into the park and made my way to one of the jogging trails. If I would have known I was going to do this much walking I would have worn the converse Loki and Wanda had bought me.

I stopped and looked around when the tingling in my hip grew stronger.

Out of nowhere I was lifted off the ground and threw over someone's shoulder and spun around causing me scream. I was quickly put back down and turned to face my attacker.

Bucky stood in front of me with a sheepish smile. "You scared me, you goofball." I gasped out as I tried to slow my heart rate. "Sorry baby girl, I just got excited. I didn't expect to see you here. Did someone drive you?" Bucky asked as I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug but quickly pulled away when I realized he was soaking wet. "Your all sweaty." I cringed causing Bucky to glare and stocked towards me. "Bucky don't you dare." I shouted as Bucky leaped towards me and trapped me in a hug. "Am I sweaty love I didn't realize." Bucky laughed as he rubbed his forehead into my neck causing me to giggle.

"Alright i'm sorry I won't pull out of your hugs ever again." I said causing Bucky to stop and smile. "So who dropped you off." Bucky asked as he walked me over to a bench and sat me down on his lap. "By the way you look beautiful." Bucky said as he place a kiss on my check. "Thank you and no one drove me I took Peter to school and he just happened to mention where you guys go for a run so I thought I would stop bye and say hi." I said causing Bucky to frown. "Whose car did you take." Bucky asked causing me to smirk and pull out Tony's keys. "A Mr. Tony Stark's." I said dangling the keys in front of Bucky's face causing him to smirk. "That's my girl." Bucky said as he pulled me into a heated kiss.

Bucky's hands moved down my back and to my ass as he moved me to straddle him. I slowly ran my hands up his neck and to his loose hair and lightly tugged, causing him to moan. I slowly broke the kiss and began to kiss down his neck causing him to close his eyes and throw his head to the side giving me more access. I began to place hickeys up and down his neck.

"Your going to get me in so much trouble baby girl." Bucky groaned out as he pulled me closer to his chest. "Because you're supposed to be running or because I marked you like you desperately want to mark me." I purred out as I pulled away to look into his dark blue eyes. "Both." Bucky growled out as he pulled me into a deep kiss.

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