Chapter 58

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Looking at Nats pained face I quickly got to work with taking off her shirt and looking again at her wound.

It was a good 8 inch slice along her stomach to her hip. As I cleaned the wound, I was able to get a better look at it. A large piece of glass was stuck in the cut causing Nat more pain. She was definitely going to need stitches.

"I'm going have to stitch you up, but I need to remove a piece of glass before I do." I spoke softly causing Nat to frown.

"Do you know how to baby girl." Nat asked but her voice was weird, I quickly realized Nat was loosing consciousness. With the amount of blood she was loosing and with all her energy not holding her walls up anymore she was going to pass out.

"Nat baby stay with me." I spoke in a hurry but I was to late Nat passed out and fell forward into my arms.

Softly laying Nat on the ground I began to get the piece of glass out of her cut. I couldn't help her with the wound still open and I was beginning to panic.

Thankfully when I was in college I took a couple of first aid courses. I never expected to use them but I'm so greatful I did.

Stitching Nat up was the worse thing I have ever down. Every time I put the needle into my mates skin pain flew through our mark causing tears to fall down my face.

When I was finished with the last stitch I was a shaking and sobbing mess. Clint was probably going ballistic not only feeling Nats pain but also mine. Softly cleaning Nat up I gently picked her up and some how made it to the living room before gently placing her on the couch.

I sat on the floor by her head and gently grabbed her hand. I lightly laid my head on her chest feeling it rise and fall and it was the only thing keeping me sain.

I didn't have my phone to call anyone nor did I know there numbers off the top of my head so I can't use the phone in the kitchen. And if this place was as secure as Nat said it was the police or medics wouldn't know how to get here.

I just had to wait and hope Nat was going to be ok.

It was an hour of listening to Nats gentle heart beat before I heard the sound of a quinjet out side causing me to slowly lift my head off Nats chest.

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