Chapter 27

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"Tony." I said shocked before rushing over to the door to tell Peter sorry, but I was quickly picked up from behind and thrown over Stephens shoulder. "He will see you in the morning you're ours now." Stephen said,as he walked us into the bathroom. Stephen gently put me down in front of him as a smirk made its way to his handsome face.

"Finally." Tony said as he removed his shirt causing a blush to spread across my cheeks, Tony was definitely handsome.

Tony caught me staring and smirked, making me blush harder. Tony quickly walked up behind me and looked up at Stephen who gave him a nod. " You ready love." Stephen asked before pulling softly on my shirt. I nodded my head making Stephen and Tony smile.

Stephen pulled my shirt over my head revealing my bra. "You're beautiful." Stephen said before pulling me into a heated kiss while Tony got to work removing my shorts. We heard Tony cuss as he helped me step out of my shorts making Stephen look down at my underwear and bite his lip.

"Fuck." Stephen said before looking at Tony who looked ready to explode. "You ok Tony." Stephen asked teasingly, before turning me around so i'm facing Tony. I gasped when I already felt his hard member against my back. "Fucking perfect." Tony said looking me up and down as Stephen pulled his shirt over his head and headed over to the shower and turned it on.

Tony pulled me over to him as he looked down at me before looking down at my lips making me lick them. Tony groaned before smashing his lips on mine making me moan and Tony to pull me even closer to him. The kiss was just like he said, it was magical. Tony's hands traveled to my ass as he rubs himself against me causing me to release a moan.

Tony soon broke the kiss and attached his lips to my neck as I lightly ran my nails against his ribs making him moan and pull away breathing heavily.

I looked down at his rubs in shock. Just like Bruce said there was my mark on Tony's right rib that now had light red lines on it. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to scratch you." I said breathing heavily and looked down sheepishly, making Tony laugh.

"Nearly made me blow love." Tony said, smirking, making me blush and Stephen to laugh. " Your mark is a really sensitive place darling. The scratches only caused him pleasure." Stephen said, making me nod, causing both of them to look at the marks around my body. "Which one is ours?" Tony asked with a mischievous smirk causing me to immediately point to the mark on my right rib cage.

"This one." I said making them come in front of me and looking at their mark smiling happily as they lightly traced it causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Showers ready love." Stephen said happily, as he pulled us toward the shower. Stephen was the first one to pull away when he began to take off the rest of his clothes causing Tony and me to quickly follow.

It was the hottest thing I have ever seen watching my two men undress fully. While they were busy I unhooked my bra before throwing it over with their clothes and I began taking off my underwear. I reached down to pick up my underwear only to feel a sharp smack on my ass making me jump up and turn around to see my mates glaring at me and eyeing me up and down.

"Just couldn't wait could you." Stephen said, as he grabbed my neck lightly and pulled me to him, making me moan. "From now on little one when you're with us we undress you." Tony said from behind me before putting his hand on his mark, making me shiver. "Yes Sir's." I said, making them groan. "You're making it very hard not to take you right here right now." Stephen said before leading us into the shower.

Tony walked me under the warm water first and began to wet my hair while Stephen looked me up and down making me blush.

Tony lightly pushed me to Stephen as he stepped under the water getting his hair wet as Stephen turned me around so I was watching Tony while he started to put shampoo into my hair and lightly brushing out knots with his fingers making me sigh.

I closed my eyes and relaxed until I felt two hands running along my body making me jump. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Tony who started to wash my body. These boys worked magic making me feel so loved and relaxed. "You boys are amazing." I said giving them both a smile making them smile at me. "Anything for you love." Stephen said before leading me to the water and helping me rinse off all the soap and shampoo, and purposefully running his hands slower across my breasts and inner thighs just like Tony had done, causing a moan to leave my lips. When I was all clean I helped Tony and Stephen.

I slowly ran my hands up and down their body's making their eyes darkened with lust. I teasingly avoided their hard members, making them groan. Stephen and Tony quickly went under the water to wash out their hair and body, but not before changing the temperature on the water to cold. I stared at them biting my lips as I wondered why they kept leaving when things got heated.

Stephen turned off the shower and Tony stepped out to get us towels. Stephen quickly came up to me and gave me a heated kiss. "That was the best shower I have ever had." Tony said, making me laugh and Stephen to give him a glare. "Fine it was one of the best showers I have ever had." Tony said before wrapping me in a huge fluffy red towel making me giggle.

"That was a great shower, lets just hope next time it's because we all need to clean up after sex." Stephen said before giving me a light smack on the butt causing Tony to grin. Tony led me over to a vanity making me sit down before Stephen disappeared into the closet. "This is your vanity. Me and Stephen don't need much to get ready in the morning so we will use the sinks so this is all yours. There's hair ties, brushes, hairdryers, curling irons and anything else you can think of. But there will be no make up, you don't need it at all and I don't want you to hide those." Tony said, smirking as he pointed at my neck before quickly walking into the closet.

I quickly looked at my neck in the mirror to see three medium sized hickeys on my neck making me gasp. I have never had a hickey before, but I kind of like it. I guess I was so wrapped up in pleasure I didn't realize I got them. Did they give them to me before or after Steve and Peter were here? That thought alone made me blush as I reached up to lightly touch them. I shivered when sparks erupted from them and I slightly smiled at the thought of them marking me as there's.

"Looks like our girl likes her markings Tony." Stephen said as he came up to stand behind me. Tony handed me a white lace long sleeve baby doll nightgown making me blush. I unwrapped my towel as Stephen helped me put it on and Tony came back over with a pair of underwear making me blush harder. "You're so sexy." Tony said, looking me up and down while Stephen dried my hair. It was then that I noticed that they both were only dressed in a pair of sweatpants making me blush.

" Thank you." I said before we all walked out of the bathroom as Tony led me to the bed and Stephen gave me a sweet kiss before walking to the desk on the lower level of the room and sitting down facing us. Tony picked me up and walked up the steps to the top level and tossed me onto the bed making me giggle. Tony quickly crawled over to me and pulled me into his side.

"I have a little work to do but I will be in bed soon." Stephen said, making me and Tony nod. Stephen quickly turned to Tony and gave him a stern look. "Behave." Stephen said, making Tony smirk and pull me onto his lap making Stephen roll his eyes but smile at the two of us. "What would you like to watch?" Tony asked as he looked down at me. "Um I don't know whatever's fine as long as it's not a scary movie." I said resting my head on Tony's chest making him sigh and wrap his arms tighter around me.

"Legally blonde it is." Tony said, smiling, making me laugh. Half way through the movie Stephen joined us in bed as he quickly turned off the T.V. making me and Tony whine and look at him. "It's 10 p.m, babies. You both need to get to bed." Stephen said, as he gently pulled me off of Tony's lap and set me down in between them and under the covers, making me sigh.

Just like Bruce's bed it was so soft and comfortable. Stephen pulled my back to his chest as Tony laid down on his back. I softly placed my head on Tony's chest while Stephen threw his arm around the both of us. "Friday all lights off please." Tony said as he and Stephen both gave me one last goodnight kiss.

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