Chapter 62

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"Has anyone gotten in touch with Clint and Pietro." Sam asked as he tried to fight to get to my side but was stopped with a glare from Nat. 

"No." Tony snapped as he shoved his way through Sam and Bucky to grab his and Stephens bags. 

"Where is Stephen." I asked Tony completely forgetting about our mate. 

"He's ok love he's dealing with something awful across the world right know. He reached out and asked if we were ok, I told him we are alive and not to worry till he got his problem figured out." Tony said causing me to sigh. I guess things will always pop up. 

"Does he need any help?" Steve asked as he began to help Sam move the bags around. 

"As far as I know he's handling it well, I have people and cameras watching him as we speak." Tony said causing me to send him a smile. Always looking out for the ones he loves. 

All of the sudden a phone starts to ring causing Steve to quickly grab his and answer it. 

"Hello......There on their way back..........Do they know?.........Ok Thank you." Steve hung up the phone before turning to me and Nat who were staring at him.

"Clint and Pietro are on their way back. They know about what happened at the tower but not that you guys are hurt. They will be here in about three hours." Steve said causing Nat to sigh. 

"We're is she is she ok." Peter screamed from down the hall causing me to quickly turn before getting tackled in a hug causing me to flinch and hiss in pain. 

"Shit I'm so sorry baby are you ok of course your not ok your hurt!" Peter said quickly as he moved in a panic state causing my mates to watch as he pulled my shirt up to see the bruise covering the my ribs. 

"You said you were ok." Bucky snapped as he made his way closer causing me to pull down my shirt before he could touch the bruises.

"I am ok, seeing as how I was in a room with a bomb it could have been a lot worse. I promise I'm ok, I'm in some pain but I'm ok." I said as I grabbed Peter and Buckys hand before looking at the rest of my mates causing them to nod.

"How did you get here so quickly?" Tony asked causing Peter to blush.

"I may have swung most of the way in except when going underground." Peter said causing Tony to turn red. 

"YOU WHAT!" Tony yelled causing Peter and Tony to start yelling back and forth. My head began to pound causing Bucky to pull me closer to his side and pull my head to his chest. I closed my eyes focusing on Buckys heart beat. 

"Take it to another room, our girls in pain over here." Bucky said softly causing Tony and Peter to apologize before heading out of the room. 

"I think we all should give you three some space." Nat said with a glare to Bucky and Sam before Bruce helped her stand. 

"I think we should definitely get started on setting up the rooms." Wanda said before helping Bruce with Nat while she used her powers to move the begs with them. Thor grabbed more bags before turning and sending a kiss my way causing me to smile.

Loki watched them leave before turning to my three mates who were standing around me. 

"We don't regret what we did together. You are not the only ones who have waited for our beautiful Molly so stop hurting everyone by being possessive. Now her speeding away from you would have pissed anyone of us off, but the way you two handled it is not ok and will not be tolerated by the rest of us. If I feel any signs that  Molly is emotionally hurt in any way again Odin himself won't be able to save you." Loki said before walking over and giving my forehead a kiss. 

"I love you Dove, you need me just think of me and I will be there." Loki said softly before leaving the room. 

"Lets go to our room." Steve said leading Sam out of the room as they grabbed several bags and began to walk down the hallway. I didn't even realize my mates carried in this many bags. 

Bucky pulled me closer before walking behind our mates. Bucky never let go of me as we walked into their room. It didn't have their scents in the room but I bet It would come in a few days. Bucky helped me sit on the bed as he helped Steve and Sam with the bags. Soon all three of them climbed into bed before Steve helped me scoot into their arms. 

I laid between Steves legs with Bucky and Sam laying beside us. 

"Look I hate to say it but Loki was right. The way we acted was not ok. You leaving like that terrified us, and there is the part with Loki but should have never acted like that and I'm sorry." Bucky said causing me to look at him. 

"I'm sorry I was stupid." I said softly causing the three of them to flinch. 

"Your not stupid we are. We were scared and jealous and we used the most hurtful things that came to mind. Your a grown women and you can make your own decisions." Sam's said as he softly laced his hands with mine. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't help but sigh.

"I forgive you guys if you forgive me." I said softly as I slowly got off of Steve and kneeled between his legs so I could see my three mates. 

"We forgive you love, always and forever." Steve said and the boys besides him nod their heads. 

"How can I make it up to you for all the stress I have caused." I said softly with a small smile on my lips causing Bucky and Sam to smirk and look at Steve. 

Steve sat there for a minute looking at me with his beautiful eyes. 

"I think these boys deserve to be punished for the way they treated my sweet girl." Steve said with a smirk causing me to blush and the boys to look at him in shock.

Well Dame!

-Long over due hope you like it! I will try to be better at updating from now on! Sorry I had to unpublish and publish again there where a couple of issues but hope they are fixed now! - 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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