Chapter 14

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"Who's Molly going to sleep with tonight?" Peter asked, causing Tony to let go of my chin and glare at him. I started helping Wanda load the bowls, and bringing them over to the table as the boys started grabbing drinks for everyone.

"I think she should sleep with Bruce tonight." Stephen said with a scowl like it was the hardest thing in the world to say as he took a seat next to Tony. I took a seat across from Tony while Peter and Pietro took a seat next to me. Wanda and Bruce sat next to each other at the head of the table to the right of me. 

"Why him, no offence." Pietro said, giving Bruce a sorry look before stuffing his face with food.

" Because it's for the best. Bruce wouldn't do anything sexual till Thor got here. He is the least dominant out of all of us, if she sleeps with us there's no doubt things wouldn't escalate, you're far too tempting." Stephen said as he placed his hand on Tony's lap to try and calm his glaring mate. 

"That sounds good to me. Who knows what the others are going to do when they find out you and Peter already got kisses." I teased, looking at Stephen as he smirked at me before turning to Peter.

"I don't regret it, do you Parker?" Stephen asked looking at Peter who had the biggest grin on his face. "Not one bit." Peter said as he winked at me. "Alright eat your food, Molly and Peter have to get up early." Bruce said, as he finished eating. 

"You just want to snuggle up to her quicker." Pietro said sulking in his chair while glaring at him. "Soon love soon." I said, kissing his forehead as I helped Wanda clear the table. I walked over to the sink and was about to clean the dishes when Stephen walked up behind me and spoke in my ear. 

"Don't you dare touch a dish little one." Stephen said and picked me up and placed me on a stool near the island.

Bruce and Pietro began to clean the dishes as Peter stood next to me. " So do you want to go to school together tomorrow." Peter asked as he moved in between my legs to cuddle up to me.

"You want to be seen with me at your school?" I asked looking shocked at Peter as he gave me a goofy smile. "Of course you're my mate. I want everyone to see what a hot mate I got." Peter said, resting his head on my chest making me blush. 

"I would love to go with you in the morning Pete." I said as I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "And thank you boys for cleaning the dishes." I said smiling at Bruce and Pietro who blushed.

"Anything for you." Bruce said coming over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Bruce you get her in your bed tonight you don't have to keep trying." Tony said coming over and leaned over the counter dramatically making Bruce roll his eyes. "Tony you know if we get Molly tonight she won't be sleeping very much or have the ability to walk in the morning." Stephen said as he came over and wrapped his arms around Tonys waist. 

"Same with us, we'll get our chance though sweetheart." Pietro said, causing Peter to snuggle into me with a sigh. " You're lucky we even left my room after you changed in front of me." Wanda said, making me blush.

"Come on love, it's time for bed." Bruce said with a huge smile on his face as Peter pulled away letting Bruce pull me closer to him. We all walked to the elevator after straitening up the living room and kitchen. Tony pushed the button to the floor where everyone's rooms were. We all walked out of the elevator as I got my first goodnight hug from Peter and Pietro who slowly made their way to their room with a pout only to stop when Tony spoke to me.

"See you in the morning hun i'm taking you and Peter tomorrow, we are leaving about 7." Tony said as he kissed my forehead and Stephen gave me a soft kiss on the lips causing Tony to roll his eyes and walk to his room at the end of the hall before turning back for my answer. 

I nodded my head along with Peter who looked happy to have Tony drive him to school. "Sounds good love, see you then." I said, causing Tony to smile, and leave with Stephen. Peter quickly ran to me and pulled me into a sweet kiss before blushing and leaving with Pietro to their room.

Me and Bruce turned to Wanda and smiled as she pulled me into her arms. "Come love let's get you something to wear for tomorrow." Wanda said as she led me and Bruce into her beautiful room. "Come love." Wanda said, as she led me into the closet while Bruce waited excitedly by the door. "Do you want to pick something out for me?" I asked Wanda, causing her to sequel happily. "Yes please." Wanda said, causing me to smile softly.

Wanda walked further into her closet looking very focused. About five seconds later Wanda came back with the cutest green dress I have ever seen. It was long and had white dots all over it. "How about this. I never wore it before and it still has the tags on it. You can pull this off a lot better than I can, I only bought it because it was on sale." Wanda said, looking at me with a smile. "I love it Wanda." I said, giving Wanda a kiss on the cheek, making her blush. " You're going to look so cute tomorrow." Wanda said as she handed me a pair of underwear to wear to bed, and tomorrow.

"I'm sure Bruce will let you wear one of his or Thor's shirts to bed." Wanda whispered in my ears before winking at me causing me to blush. Wanda led me out of the room and to a smiling Bruce. " You ready darling." Bruce said, smiling at me. I nodded and turned to look at Wanda and give her a hug. "Goodnight Wanda I will see you when I get home tomorrow." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and leaving with Bruce.

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