Chapter 30

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------------------------------------------------WARNING ASSAULT-------------------------------------------------------

-If you are uncomfortable with this topic please skip this chapter. It's not important but it is in this Chapter and mentioned in future chapters. -

It was lunch time, me and some of the other Science teachers were called into a meeting to discuss our weekly agendas. As I walked into the room I noticed that I was the last one and the only other empty seat was next to my boss. Mr. Morita. I quickly sat down in the empty seat and soon noticed just how close our two chairs really were. Our thighs were basically right against each other. I quickly moved my chair away as Mr. Morita began the meeting.

Half way through the meeting I felt a slight touch on my thigh causing me to jump but I thought nothing of it. A second later I felt a rough sweaty hand on my left knee. I quickly shoved the hand off and turned to my boss in shock. When I turned fully to my boss I saw him acting like nothing had happened. I moved my chair further from him and tried to focus back on the meeting, thinking maybe it was an accident. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but he slowly pulled my chair closer to him, causing me to quickly panic. When no one was looking Mr. Morita slowly put his hand back under the table and placed it further up my thigh. I quickly blocked my emotions from reaching my mates. I didn't need them to panic.

I quickly shoved his hand off again and turned to him with a glare. I was about to speak when he beat me to it. " Don't speak." Mr. Morita said in a harsh whisper before taking his hand away and resting it on the table making me slightly relax.

The meeting went on with no more interruptions and it was finally over. I got up quickly, almost sending my chair backwards as I rushed to collect all of my paperwork. After I had gathered all my stuff I made my way quickly to the door but before I could reach the door my name was called causing me to stop and let out a shaky breath. I turned around hoping it wasn't my boss who called after me. My heart began to pound loudly as I saw my boss waving me over to him. I debated on whether or not I should just leave while I can. But I really liked this job, and now was a better time than any to talk about his horrible and unprofessional behavior.

I sighed and walked slowly back into the room causing my boss to smirk. "Close the door." Mr. Morita said before sitting on the edge of the table. "No, Sir I would feel more comfortable if we leave the door open." I said not moving from my spot near the door. I was quickly becoming uncomfortable as my boss began to look me up and down. I'm starting to think I should have listened to my mates.

" I wanted to discuss your future here at Midtown high school." My boss said, causing me to let out a revealed sigh. But before I could relax, Mr. Morita quickly added. "Let's move to my office." He said before putting his arm around my waist and leading me out of the room and in the direction of his office. The closer we got to his office the lower his hand traveled down my back. I quickly grabbed his hand and took it off my hip and turned to him with a glare. "Sir I think we need to talk about how inappropriate your being I am a happily mated women." I said, stepping away from him. "Nonsense, we are both adults." He said quickly dismissing my previous statement as he led me into his office. I tried to turn around and leave the room but he quickly closed the door and locked it, making me protest. " I would like to remind you Sir that I do have mates that I am very happy with, and I in no way think this is professional." I said as he lightly pushed me down into a seat in front of his desk.

Mr. Morita nodded before his face became serious. "How dedicated are you to making sure Peter has a great last year of school, I mean Senior years are very important." He said rubbing his chin and looking me up and down. "It's important why does that matter. If I'm not mistaken Sir it sounds like you're threatening me." I said standing up with a glare I really should have listened to my mates. "There's a teaching job open for you. The one you have been working for the past three days."Mr. Morita said, causing me to nod slightly. That's great but that couldn't be it, there had to be a catch.

"What's the catch?" I said not breaking my protective stance as I slowly backed closer to the door. "Sleep with me." He said as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world. I took a shaky step back looking at him in shock. He aggressively pushed himself off his desk and walked dangerously over to me. Mr. Morita grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me against him. I quickly pulled away from him as I stared at him with a worried expression.

"I have mates. I'm not going to sleep with you for a job, and how dare you ask me something so unprofessional. And threatening my mate no less to get what you want is simply outrageous." I said, as I made my way quickly to the door. Peter was right, I really should have listened to him. "You wouldn't want to jeopardize Peter's reputation and future now would you. All because of one simple thing. It's clear that staying faithful to your two mates isn't important to you. Not with the way you were acting with the three beef cakes this morning." He pushed me against the door. He quickly wrapped his hand tightly around my neck causing fear to quickly consume me.

I was so glad I cut off my emotions to my mate when I did. " I wonder who gave you these hickeys, I bet you just couldn't wait to wrap your slutty little legs around someone else." He said, making me raise my hand and slap him. Mr. Morita stepped back in shock but quickly looked at me with fury. I quickly turned around and tried to open the door but I couldn't get the lock to work.

I tried to turn the lock but I was turned around and slapped in the face making me fall to the ground. "I tried to go easy on you but you leave me no choice. When you got here you looked so sweet and innocent and I couldn't wait to fuck you, and I was going to yesterday morning but that little kid got in the way. Well know that he's not here there's nothing stopping me. So you either open those slutty legs for me and let me do what I want and nothing happens to your sweet little Peter. Or I fuck you anyways and ruin his fucking life." My boss said before grabbing my neck and forcing me on my back as he climbed between my shaky legs. His grip on my neck tightened causing me to see black.

He moved his hand from my neck to my breast groping them painfully. I sobbed and tried to get him off me but he was too big and too strong. He had a bruising grip on my breast as he rested on his knees and quickly brought his hand back to my neck. His hand began to pull my dress up but immediately stopped when there was a knock on the door. He angrily jumped off me and quickly pulled me up by my neck and threw me in a chair. "You better fucking be quiet." He said before straightening his clothes and walked to the door. " What do you need Linda? I'm in the middle of a meeting." Mr. Morita said, hiding me from view.

"There was an accident in the gym, one of the kids broke their leg and they really need you down there." Someone named Linda said in a frantic voice. My boss nodded before telling her he would be right out. He quickly shut the door stocked over to me grabbing me by my neck making me gasp for air. " You tell anyone about this and I will personally make sure Peter is put into a foster home in another country before you could even bat your cute eyelashes. Do I make myself clear?" I quickly nodded in fear, making him nod with a smirk and let go of my neck, making me gasp for air.

My boss quickly left the room, and I sat there for a few seconds before grabbing my stuff and bolting out of the room. I quickly walked to my classroom and locked my door when I made it inside.

I grabbed my little makeup bag I kept in my bag in case I ever needed it and rushed to the back room of my classroom. I looked into the small mirror in my bag and looked at my reflection. I had a bruise already forming on my cheek and I couldn't even find the hickeys Tony and Stephen had given me. My neck already had a dark bruise covering the whole front and sides of my neck.

I knew I bruised easley but this was so bad.

I slowly looked down the inside of my dress and gasped when I saw bruises in the shape of fingertips around my breasts. I quickly looked through my bag sobbing as I tried to find what I needed to cover everything. I soon found what I needed and quickly put it on my cheek and my neck. I didn't want to hide anything from my mates, and one of Stephen's rules was never to hide anything from them, but I didn't want anything to happen to Peter. He could mess with me all he wants but I won't let him hurt Peter or Peter's future. I quickly wiped my tears away and tried to straighten out my dress and hair as I tried to be strong.

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